Tuesday, January 19, 2016

'The Flash' Season 1 Episode 10 'Revenge of the Rogues' Review

Non Spoiler Review-  Another great episode of 'The Flash' that focuses on character development for a few characters, has some great performances, and a great fight scene between Flash and Captain Cold and Heatwave. Not quite the best but one of the better episodes this season. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. "They need to cross beams"- I really liked this 'Ghostbusters' Easter egg and I thought the end fight scene was pretty cool and liked that Flash had to go even slower to win as opposed to trying to go faster which is what he has been training for. 
2. Barry tries to get faster- I liked the training scene in the beginning and the changed voiceover where Barry says he is no longer the fastest man alive. It was very cool when Flash caught the missile and threw it at the drone. I'm not sure if the Flash costume was changed prior to this episode but I liked how the gold detailing on the suit popped in the daytime scenes.  
3. Captain Cold and Heatwave- I really enjoyed the interaction between these two and can't wait for more Rogues to get together to take on the Flash in future episodes. Both actors gave great performances and portrayed menacing villains who have a plan.
4. Escape- I really liked the end scene where Cold and Heatwave are rescued by Snart's sister who is the Golden Glider in the comics. I can't wait to see her in an upcoming episode and what her costume will look like, etc.
5. Cisco makes shields for the CCPD- I liked the subplot where Cisco earned the CCPD's trust by making these shields to help them fight Snart. I hope Cisco continues to make more gadgets for the police force as the show progresses. 
6. Barry moves in with Joe- I liked how Barry decided to move in with Joe providing another heartfelt father son moment in. The episode. 
7. Kaitlin Snow investigates Firestorm- I liked this subplot and hope that Snow continues to dig for more information regarding Firestorm and hope there will be a Firestorm episode or arc of episodes soon. 


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