Monday, February 1, 2016

'Legends of Tomorrow' Season 1 Episode 2 'Pilot, Part 2' Review

Non Spoiler Review- A huge improvement over it's first episode that unleashes the fun potential of a time travel series. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Group action- One of the best things about superhero teams is the potential to create huge exciting action sequences that are visually gorgeous. I really enjoy these action scenes and the visual effects on the series and can't wait to see more.
2. Hawkman's death?- This episode shockingly killed off on of the series main characters. Vandal Savage killed Hawkman in the episode, however since both Hawkman and Hawkgirl reincarnate I don't believe him to be dead forever. I'm sure he will return in a future episodes somehow. 
3. The Legends infiltrates black market auction- I really enjoyed the episode's opening where the team infiltrates a black market auction in which Vandal Savage is selling nuclear warheads. I liked how the team went undercover and the action sequence which unfolded after their cover was exposed. I also liked how Ray accidentally dropped a piece of his suit that led to consequences on the future timeline which the team had to restore.
4. Team Rivalry- One aspect I liked in the episode was the rivalry between Captain Cold and Atom. I liked how the two quarreled throughout but came to respect each other's abilities and the conflict in their moral qualms. I hope to see this further explored in the season and also between multiple characters rather than just Snart and Palmer.
5. Martin Stein experiences consequences of timeline- Another part of the episode I liked was where the altering of the timeline affected a character's future. It takes a beat from 'Back To The Future' where one small change prevents a character from marrying. I liked how this centered on Martin Stein and so we see how much he values his future. I also really liked how Rip Hunter interfered to help keep Stein's future intact by setting up Martin to meet his future wife. 


'Arrow' Season 4 Episode 11 'A.W.O.L.' Review

Non Spoiler Review- A phenomenal episode of 'Arrow' that does a great job spotlighting some of the supporting characters who are usually somewhat sidelined. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Amanda Waller's dead- The shocking moment of the episode was when they killed off Amanda Waller, putting a bullet in her head on camera. I think this is in large part because of the upcoming 'Suicide Squad' film because Warner Bros. doesn't want confusion between the characters in the DC films and CW television universe. I'm sad to see her character go, but she could still pop up in flashbacks.
2. Diggle Bros- My favorite part of the episode was it's focus on the Diggles and I really liked how the episode went towards repairing their relationship, which has been severely strained this season. I'm glad to see John being more trusting of Andy and the two working together again. I really liked the focus on the two and hope to see more episodes focused on more supporting characters soon.
3. Felicity gets a code name- This episode finally gives Felicity a code name "Overwatch". I liked how they made a brief reference to Oracle already being taken possibly as a nod that Barbara Gordon (Batgirl) is in this CW Arrow/Flashverse. I liked how she finally has gotten an actual codename after suggesting it all season and proving she's still integral to the team.
4. Felicity abandons her past- Another moment I enjoyed from the episode was when Felicity had a moment in which she abandons her dark past that comes back to haunt her throughout the episode as she hallucinates her old self. I liked it as a character moment and am curious to see what ther direction Felicity's character is headed. 
5. Reiter Flashback connection- This episode's flashbacks focused on the Diggles and it seems that all the flashbacks are beginning to become more interconnected and I'm interested to see where they lie in the bigger picture.


'Agent Carter' Season 2 Episode 3 'Better Angels' Review

Non Spoiler Review- An episode that really brings the fun and levity back to 'Agent Carter'. I really liked the espionage aspect of this episode as that led to some great moments. I'm really enjoying this second season so far and can't wait to see where the show is headed. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Whitney Frost- This episode provided more in regards to Whitney Frost as a villain and we see the zero matter spread on her forehead. I'm curious to see if this will lead to her adopting her alter-ego, Madame Masque or if we will see Frost wearing a mask as a nod.
2. Howard Stark helps out- I liked that this episode brought Howard Stark back into the series as it allowed for some fun hilarious moments. I also liked how he discovered what happened to Jason Wilkes, helped Peggy in her investigation as well as helping to find a solution to Wilke's predicament.
3. Thompson discovers Peggy was right- I liked how the episode ended where Thompson was brought into learning about the Arena Club and he saw that everything Peggy learned in her infiltration was true.
4. Peggy confronts Whitney Frost- Peggy confronts Frost after potentially learning about her more villainous nature. I really liked how Frost reacted and used her acting abilities to manipulate her husband to hire  hitman to help take her out. I thought that made her a much more interesting antagonist for the season.
5. J.A.R.V.I.S.- I really liked the little reference to Edwin Jarvis becoming the basis for JARVIS in this episode through a quick reference when Jarvis says he doesn't want to become a disembodied voice.


Saturday, January 30, 2016

'The Flash' Season 2 Episode 11 'The Reverse Flash Returns' Review

Non Spoiler Review- Another terrific episode of 'The Flash' with some shocking twists, interesting drama, and great action. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Reverse Flash's origin- I loved how the entire episode set up Reverse Flash's origin for the events in Season One and explain how he knew about certain things and his motivations for what he does. I also liked learning more about the character and why he decided to do what he did.
2. Patty realizes Barry is the Flash- At the end of the episode, Patty calls Barry and tells him that she's in trouble. So Barry speeds over there as the Flash and I liked that she did this to verify that Barry was the Flash after he denied it when she asked him. I thought it was very clever of her character and I'm sad to see that Patty is indeed leaving but hopefully she'll come back in a later episode as I like her character and her chemistry with Barry.
3. Zoom's Identity?!?!?- So I think it's very possible that this episode hinted towards Zoom's identity. In the episode Jay Garrick shows Caitlin his Earth One doppleganger and tells her his name, Hunter Zolomon. Which leads into my theory, in the comics Hunter Zolomon is another version of the Reverse Flash who calls himself Professor Zoom. I think that Earth one Hunter Zolomon could actually be Zoom. This was revealed as Caitlin was looking for a cure for Jay and thought his Earth One doppleganger could be a potential solution but Garrick says it won't work since his cells are mutated. 
4. Vibe Shades- I was very excited to see Cisco get the Vibe glasses which Vibe traditionally wears in the comics. I hope to see this further used throughout the series.
5. Barry's Dark Side- One small thing I really liked was Barry showing some darkness when he apprehended Reverse Flash. I liked that he didn't hold back and just beat the snot out of him since he has so much built up aggression towards Thawne. I liked seeing Barry react to reverse Flash returning and how he handled it emotionally.


'Supergirl' Season 1 Episode 11 'Strange Visitor From Another Planet' Review

Non Spoiler Review- This episode may be the best episode of 'Supergirl' yet and I think the show's steady climb in quality is due primarily to the increased significance of Martian Manhunter.

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Martian Manhunter's backstory- I am really enjoying how Martian Manhunter's being included in the series and I loved that this week went back and not only explained more of his backstory but showed it as well. I hope to see more about J'onnz's past and more team ups between J'onnz and Kara.
2. Bizarro girl- The episode ends with Bizzarro girl's revelation to everyone and I'm quite interested to see how this is further developed in the coming episodes, especially next week's that seems to center on that conflict.
3. White Martian- I loved how the White Martians were brought to the series and I thought the visual effects on them were incredible and looked very awesome!
4. Martian Manhunter & Supergirl vs White Martian- I really enjoyed the team up fight between the White Martian and Supergirl and Martian Manhunter. I especially liked when J'onn used kryptonite cuffs on Kara to prevent her from interfering with his attempts to seek justice. I thought that was a big crazy moment and liked how it strengthened both characters when kara talks him out of revenge.
5. Adam- Adam was finally introduced this week and I liked how he interacted with Cat Grant but felt the relationship between him and Kara seems a bit forced, especially since the actor and actress are married in real life. I hope to see his character given more depth and see him play in more interesting character dynamics. 


Saturday, January 23, 2016

'Legends of Tomorrow' Season 1 Episode 1 'Pilot, Part 1' Review

Non Spoiler Review- 'Legends of Tomorrow' is a blast! The pilot was very exposition heavy but it needed to lay the groundwork for the series and find a way to bring in new viewers as well as appealing to fans of 'Arrow' and 'The Flash'. The pilot has a few problems but I think this series will find itself in the next few episodes. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. End fight- It was pretty cool to see the team fight together for the first time against Chronos and I can't wait to see more action sequences with the team collaborating.
2. Rip Hunter tells them the truth- One of the greatest story points of the episode was when Rip Hunter revealed to the team the real reason he selected all of them, why he defied the Time Masters,  and why he wanted to stop Vandal Savage. He told them all that he picked them because they weren't essential to the timeline and were expendable rather than actually being legends. He also tells them Chronos is after them because he was tasked by the Time Masters to stop him. It also reveals that the boy and mother killed at the beginning of the episode were his wife and child. I  liked this moment of truth as Hunter was finally being transparent with everyone and gave them the opportunity to bow out if they desired.
3. Captain Cold, Heatwave, and White Canary- I think one of the greatest things about teamups are the opportunity to explore character interactions and these three have such great chemistry and worked well together in the episode. I loved when they went off by themselves to that bar and started a bar fight. It was such an entertaining part of the episode and I hope to see  them paired together throughout the series.
4. Time Travel- I just love the idea that this series gets to explore time travel and will go to a different time period each episode and I think that will allow for some fantastic storytelling.
5. Albus Boardman's connection- The team goes to 1975 seeking Albus Boardman, as he's an expert on Vandal Savage, so it's their best bet at locating where Vandal Savage is at certain points of time. But when they visit him, we learn that Hawkman and Hawkgirl are his parents, since they can reincarnate. So they attempt to save him but he ends up dying from bleeding out. I liked how they managed to tie his character into the team in a way that was logical and effective for the story.
6. Rip Hunter assembles the team- I liked how Rip Hunter went around retrieving the various members and assembling them all together on the rooftop. It was also great to see these characters all together for the first time since most of them have been on 'The Flash' or 'Arrow' separately and some haven't interacted with the other characters. I can't wait to see how the interactions are developed and what kind of relationships are explored.
7. Conflict before the journey- I also really liked each respective member in conflict of whether or not they should join Rip Hunter in his crusade. I liked seeing Ray turn to Oliver which lead to a great joke. I really liked seeing Laurel give Sarah her White Canary suit and name. I really liked the conflict between the two parts of Firestorm as Jackson didn't want to go so Stein roofed him, which lead to an interesting subplot between them. I liked how Cold and Heatwave developed a plan to steal throughout history, etc.  I also enjoyed the conflict between Hawkman and Hawkgirl, so I can't wait to see if this continues through the series.
8. Atom's mission- I really enjoyed the little teamup with Atom and Oliver, who was advising him over an earpiece. I thought it lead to some great action with Atom showing off his size changing abilities.
9. Chronos- Chronos is a bounty hunter who works for the Time Masters tasked with getting Rip  Hunter. I'm not really a fan of his look as the mask looks a little silly but hopefully that may be improved in future episodes. Above you can see a picture of him from the episode as well as the character he is based on from the comics.
10. Wave Rider- Rip Hunter's ship is named Wave Rider, which is an easter egg. Wave Rider is based off a comic character shown above who could travel through time. I think it's cool as an effective little easter egg that is small yet contains a lot of depth. 


Friday, January 22, 2016

'Arrow' Season 4 Episode 10 'Blood Debts' Review

Non Spoiler Review- A terrific return to 'Arrow' after it's midseason break. The episode was filled with interesting subplots developing the core team members, some great action, and a intriguing mixture of a dark and light tone. The episode has me even more curious for what will come during the remainder of the season. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Another Flash forward- This episode showed a little more of the flash forward from the beginning of the season. We see that shortly after Oliver's conversation with Barry over the grave, Oliver enters a limo with Felicity inside. This had few interesting implications. First of all, she's not wearing her engagement ring so something must happen between her and Oliver, maybe she learns about his son and is enraged he didn't share that information with her. Second of all, it eliminates all speculation that Felicity is the one in the grave since she is obviously alive in the flash forward. That helps to slightly narrow down the character who dies but at the same time leaves a lot of potential candidates for the grave.
2. Darhk's wife- At the end of the episode when Darhk is reunited with his family, his wife speaks to him and tells him he shouldn't have spared Green Arrow and also we learn she's involved with the Project Genesis, which seems to involve wiping out the world or something along those lines. I was very surprised to learn she's involved in his grand scheme and is quite knowledgable about his plan.
3. Oliver is relentless- One point made clear in this episode is that Oliver will not hold back to defeat Darhk and will do whatever is necessary to get to him. Unfortunately Darhk almost defeated him but then he spared Oliver since Team Arrow saved his wife and daughter. It was interesting that even Darhk will hold back though since he seemed to be a very unsympathetic villain.
4. John begins to repair his relationship with his brother- Another interesting subplot from this episode was the beginning of the resolution of the relationship between John Diggle and his brother. I liked how John came to the realization that maybe he should repair the relationship instead of straining it. I hope that the Team can find a way tot bring Andrew back and restore him since he's still brainwashed.
5. Anarky idolizes Thea- Another interesting aspect of the episode was that Anarky wasn't angry with Thea for scarring him bit rather he seems to have genuine respect for her. I was surprised by this because I assumed he would want revenge but instead it seemed that he wanted to drive her insane as well, because he is aware to an extent that she has the bloodlust and that he can possibly activate it to make her insane, etc. It seems that she has control over the bloodlust now but that of course could change at anytime.
