Non Spoiler Review- A phenomenal episode of 'Arrow' that does a great job spotlighting some of the supporting characters who are usually somewhat sidelined.
*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******
Highlights of the episode
1. Amanda Waller's dead- The shocking moment of the episode was when they killed off Amanda Waller, putting a bullet in her head on camera. I think this is in large part because of the upcoming 'Suicide Squad' film because Warner Bros. doesn't want confusion between the characters in the DC films and CW television universe. I'm sad to see her character go, but she could still pop up in flashbacks.
2. Diggle Bros- My favorite part of the episode was it's focus on the Diggles and I really liked how the episode went towards repairing their relationship, which has been severely strained this season. I'm glad to see John being more trusting of Andy and the two working together again. I really liked the focus on the two and hope to see more episodes focused on more supporting characters soon.
3. Felicity gets a code name- This episode finally gives Felicity a code name "Overwatch". I liked how they made a brief reference to Oracle already being taken possibly as a nod that Barbara Gordon (Batgirl) is in this CW Arrow/Flashverse. I liked how she finally has gotten an actual codename after suggesting it all season and proving she's still integral to the team.
4. Felicity abandons her past- Another moment I enjoyed from the episode was when Felicity had a moment in which she abandons her dark past that comes back to haunt her throughout the episode as she hallucinates her old self. I liked it as a character moment and am curious to see what ther direction Felicity's character is headed.
5. Reiter Flashback connection- This episode's flashbacks focused on the Diggles and it seems that all the flashbacks are beginning to become more interconnected and I'm interested to see where they lie in the bigger picture.
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