Tuesday, January 19, 2016

'Gotham' Season 1 Episode 8 'The Mask' Review

Non Spoiler Review- Once again there is another strong episode of 'Gotham that introduces another Batman villain, The Black Mask, and emphasizes on the action of the show. This episode also highlights Bruce's journey to eventually becoming a vigilante as well as Cobblepot's rise to power. Overall a great episode but not quite as strong as the previous week's episode.

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

 1. Gordon vs. Sionis- One of the best parts of the episode is when Gordon was investigating the fight club and Sionis appears and tazes him. When Gordon awakens, Sionis tells the three men fighting for a position at Sionis' company that whoever kills Jim Gordon will be paid $1 million. After Gordon defeats all three men Sionis appears himself armed with a katana to fight Gordon himself. This fight scene is one of the best action scenes the show has had so far!
 2. Bruce gets revenge on a bully- It was very sad to see Bruce bullied at his private school but it was great to see him knock on the bullies door then punch him in the face telling him to never insult his mother again. He then tells Alfred he enjoyed it which teases the beginning of his journey to become the Batman. I also liked that Alfred stood by and did nothing encouraging Bruce.
 3. Alfred tells Bruce he will train him how to fight- I thought it was cool to see that in the continuity of 'Gotham' Bruce will begin his training with Alfred.
 4. Fish continues to use Liza- So Fish Mooney lied to Liza about her mother to convince her that Falcone is bad, and is using Liza to snoop on Falcone as well as steal something from Falcone. I wonder if the Penguin will learn about Liza and inform Falcone.
5. Penguin brings Fish a gift- I thought it was interesting to see Penguin steal a brooch from some one attempt to gift it to Fish Mooney, Fish rejects the gift and stabs Penguin, so Cobblepot gives it to his mother. I'm interested to see the relationship between Fish and Penguin further explored in future episodes. 


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