Tuesday, January 19, 2016

'The Flash' Season 1 Episode 5 'Plastique' Review

Non Spoiler Review- In this episode we see Barry test the limits of his powers and do some exciting things with his speed, and the special effects continue to be a positive aspect of the show. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

 1. Gorilla Grodd- Some comic book fans may have caught the first Grodd easter egg in the pilot episode but this one is a little more obvious. There is a flashback scene of Dr. Wells speaking with the general regarding Grodd and then he tells Grodd he has big plans for him. This is exciting because it is very likely we will see Gorilla Grodd with powers on the Flash!

 2. Flash tests limits of his speed- In this episode we see Barry run up the side of a building as well as run on water. I like seeing Barry continually pushing the limits of his powers and can't wait to see how far he pushes them in the future of the show.
 3. Plastique is killed- This moment was very sad but it wasn't as impactful as it could have been because Plastique wasn't an established character but I liked how the writers added the twist that once she died she herself basically turned into a bomb and Flash must dump her body in the ocean and run fast enough to avoid the explosion.
4. A friendly Meta-Human- I was glad that this episode was a little different in that the metahuman was dangerous but wasn't insane or evil. It wa very refreshing for Flash to have a temporary ally maybe he'll meet more friendly metahumans in the show's future.
 5. Barry confronts Iris about her blog- I liked that Barry confronted Iris about the blog as both himself and the Flash. I thought it was very cool that he vibrated his vocal chords to distort his voice. Hopefully we will see more of this in future episodes!


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