*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******
Highlights of the episode
1. Simmons' location- We don't know exactly where Simmons is but we can tell that she is not on Earth possibly on another planet, in another realm, the possibilites are endless. I can't wait to learn more about where the Monolith sent her but it seems as though it will be a major subplot for the first half of the season at least. But something interesting to note was that Simmons seemed to be running from something so there must be other life on the planet, or where ever she is.2. Fitz searches for clues about Simmons- Fitz is one of my favorite characters on the show and his emotional scenes manage to always make me empathize for him. He really manages to always shines in these emotional moments particularly a very powerful one at the end of the episode that will probably break almost every viewer's heart. I hope to see even more scenes of this caliber from Fitz and I love the development he's gone through throughout the show.
3. S.H.I.E.L.D. Inhuman retrieval system- I tried to compile as much as I could in here in relation to what S.H.I.E.L.D. is now up to and their new gadgets and toys, etc. The coolest of which is the new Bus called the Zephyr One that looks amazing and is pictured above. It really resembles a massive quintet to me and I think it's visually stunning. S.H.I.E.L.D. also has these cool rooms with jets that contain inhuman and help contain their powers. It was also great to see Daisy in action with much more control of her abilities.
4. Coulson's new hand- I like Coulson's new hand because it is simple yet elegant. He seems to have multiple hands to switch out of or at least that's what I gathered from the episode so maybe we'll see one with some special gadgets.
5. Hunter is looking for Ward- Hunter is trying to find Ward to avenge what he did to Bobbi I'm guessing although it wasn't quite made clear what effect Bobbi had from her injuries. As all that was spoken in relation to it was that Bobbi wasn't ready to go back in the field. But I'm very interested in this subplot and if the rumors of a Mockingbird/ Lance Hunter spinoff are true, I would like to see this storyline in that spinoff.
6. MCU references- This episode had quite a few MCU references with nods to essentially every major event over Phase 2 and 'The Avengers'. These were mainly featured in a speech given by President Ellis (who you may recognize from 'Iron Man 3') that included him referring to incidents in New York ('The Avengers'), London ('Thor: The Dark World'), Washington D.C. ('Captain America: The Winter Soldier'), and Sokovia ('Avengers: Age Of Ultron'). The events at Pym tech ('Ant-Man') were also mentioned by Coulson and Sokovia was name dropped a few more times. It's always fun to catch easter eggs like this and it certainly adds to the experience of watching the show.
7. Lash?- My one complaint of the episode is how ridiculous Lash looks. The quills look silly as well as the make up and you can really tell the show sacrificed his appearance to use it's budget in other ways. I hope they work to fix this if at all possible by possibly modifying his look.
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