Non Spoiler Review- Another great episode of 'The Flash' although I don't think it was quite as great as fast week's which is one of the best of the series so far. however this episode was definitely not a disappointment. This episode has some incredible visual effects, particularly for Grodd who looks so much better than his previous appearance on the show as he looks incredible. I also liked the character development for Barry, as well as a few teases of what is to come in the upcoming Flash/Arrow crossover, which will lead into 'Legends of Tomorrow'.
*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******
Highlights of the episode
1. Gorilla City- At the end of the episode, Team Flash decides they must get rid of Grodd so Harrison Wells devises a plan to send him somewhere on Earth 2. They manage to draw Grodd into the portal but it isn't strong enough to force him through so it allowed for a great Flash moment where he regains confidence and runs towards Grodd and kicks him bouncing off Grodd to escape the portal forcing Grodd through the portal. This is revisited at the end of the episode where we see that Grodd has a arrived in a jungle and the camera pans around revealing Gorilla City, which is an important part of Gorilla Grodd's character in the comics. I can't wait to see this revisited later on in the series as the multiverse seems to have growing significance and so I'm sure we will see Barry somehow arrive here to fight Grodd.
2. Hawkgirl- When Cisco touches Kendra Saunders and kisses her on their dates he "vibes" and sees Hawkgirl teasing what is to come for both the Arrow/Flash crossover as well as 'Legends of Tomorrow'. This was a small tease but it's very exciting to see the foundation for 'Legends of Tomorrow' being built in 'The Flash' and 'Arrow'.
3. Team Flash's plan- In the episode, Caitlin is taken hostage by Grodd, who uses mind control to have her go with him. When Team Flash figures out what has happened they then check the security cameras and sure enough they see Grodd walking around in broad daylight following Caitlin. I thought this was a bit ridiculous because if Grodd walks around in broad daylight, I'm sure people would be freaking out and Team Flash would hear about it. That was just one little thing that bugged me about this episode but it wasn't enough to quit "ruin" the episode or anything. So they decide to put the Earth 2 Harrison Wells in a second Reverse Flash costume they conveniently find to have him trick Grodd into believing he's Eobard Thawne. I thought this was a great plan especially since Barry was temporarily out of commission but Grodd doesn't quite fall for it and quickly the plan must change but the Team does manage to rescue Caitlin.
4. Barry's confidence shaken- One subplot I really liked was how Barry was affected both physically and mentally from his confrontation with Zoom. As I stated last week he didn't lose his speed but Zoom had just broken his back and apparently Barry's confidence. I liked that the show acknowledged this and spent a majority of the episode giving Barry time to heal. His quick recovery is explained however by his increased metabolism, speed, etc. I did like that Barry was repaired by the end of the episode and overcame his mental block to help get rid of Grodd. However one thing I noticed was that Grodd used his psychological abilities and Barry had flashbacks of his confrontation with Zoom which caused him to falter and fall so I think those memories still have a hold over him and he is clearly afraid of Zoom. I think this is a logical step for the character and I really liked it, it's somewhat like PTSD for Barry as reflecting on these thoughts seem to shake his confidence.
5. Barry's dad visits- I really liked the return of Henry Allen as his arrival helped Barry overcome his slump and a little pep talk from Henry seems to restore Barry and I really enjoyed this aspect of the episode because I really like the emotional scenes between Barry and his father figures, Henry and Joe and this episode has another very emotional talk between Henry and Barry that I really liked. I really like that Henry isn't going to be in every episode and will return to help Barry the he's in trouble or needs encouragement that Team Flash can't quite provide sometimes.
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