Thursday, January 21, 2016

'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.' Season 3 Episode 8 'Many Heads, One Tale' Review

Non Spoiler Review- I can say this was without a doubt the best episode of 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.' This episode also spreads it's focus amongst all of the characters giving the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. team their own character moments, some awesome action scenes, and some insane reveals. I really enjoyed this episode and hope that the next episode will follow the upward trend in terms of quality. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. It's All Connected- This episode revealed a lot and so many connections are made between story arcs and plot points that seemed unrelated. First of all, the organization that was trying to teleport people to the other planet has been revealed to have been Hydra all along. It's also cemented that Gideon Malick was on the World Security Council in 'The Avengers' as I mentioned a few reviews ago and that he is a head of Hydra. I liked this tie-in as it makes sense that he would have been the council member to suggest nuking New York if he was indeed a member of Hydra. He is also revealed to be the head of the ATCU's science division and has been doing things in secret behind the scenes that I will discuss in one of my other highlights below. I enjoyed all of these reveals and how it tied everything together nicely. 
2. Hydra's grand plan- This episode also gave us a Hydra history lesson revealing that Hydra goes back further than the Red Skull, that they’re much, much older. Malick pulls out a container with a small stone that he says has been passed down for hundreds of generations. He says it was cut from a larger monolith and that it’s a portal to another word. Malick tells Ward that thousands of years ago an Inhuman was born on this planet that was destined to rule it. It was sent through the portal to a distant planet. Hydra was founded with the sole purpose of bringing the Inhuman back. This Inhuman was banished to the planet that Simmons was on earlier this season and I believe it's the same person as the the mysterious figure that was on the planet with Will and Simons. Hydra has taken different shapes. The Entity has been given different names. They send men through the portal to serve it, and now they’re building an army for it when the creature returns. It's revealed that the ATCU's science division has been administering fish oil pills to people in hopes of creating more Inhumans so that the Entity can lead them. Malick says they’re very close. Malick offers to help Ward get revenge, but S.H.I.E.L.D. brought someone back through the portal, and he needs to know how. This was a huge reveal and I can't wait to see this plan take shape. 
3. FitzSimmons- A huge moment in this episode featured Fitz and Simmons finally talking to each other about how awkward things are and admitting their feelings to each other. She says she’s mad at herself for roping him into to this. She wishes he’d be angry. He finally breaks and says that he is. They have it out over how much time they lost because they were too afraid to say anything and how "the cosmos don't want them to be together". Fitz asks if she loves Will. She says yes. They argue some more until finally Fitz kisses her. She kisses him back. Fitz says they’re cursed and backs away. So things have been further complicated and I'm curious to see where their relationship will go this season as she obviously cares for both of them but I think Fitz has a slight edge because of how Simmons says no one else would have gone through a portal to save her. I really hope to see this relationship happen as I'll admit I'm rooting for the two because of how they just seem perfect together and just should be together. 
4. Coulson seeks the truth about the ATCU- The episode also features a talk between Coulson and Rosalind where he shows her around the base and locks her in a containment unit with him saying he will let her out when he believes he can trust her. In the midst of this the rest of the team is infiltrating the ATCU facility and learn some disturbing things that are revealed to be orchestrated by Gideon Malick. Coulson asks Rosalind about them and she says she was unaware and tells him that Gideon Malick is in charge of that subsection and reveals she was never lying to Coulson. She says he must let her go to help extract Bobbi and Hunter because they are in danger. The two then work together and seem to have forgiven one another. However, I'm curious how this will affect their romantic relationship as it strengthened their working relationship and their trust in one another but I just have a feeling it will slightly harm their romantic relationship. 
5. Bobbi's new batons- The scene where Bobbi and Hunter are infiltrating the ATCU facility allowed for great action and some levity through some hilarious moments. One really cool moment was seeing Bobbi use her new batons that she can call back to her through magnets. This was reminiscent to me of Captain America's arm magnet that allowed him to call back his shield in 'Avengers: Age Of Ultron'. I really enjoyed this new gadget and hope to see it utilized in future action scenes in new innovative ways. 
6. Ward- Grant Ward was really menacing yet slick in this episode. I liked the lengths he went to to get inside Strucker's safe and loved the line that he had prerecorded when he jumps out of the plane that will presumably crash "From all of us here at Hydra, thanks for flying the friendly skies."I also enjoyed his action sequence at the beginning of the episode as it was really cool to watch and lead into a interesting interrogation scene. I can't wait to see Ward fight the team in the next episode based on what is shown in the promo. 


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