Wednesday, January 20, 2016

'Arrow' Season 1 Episode 14 'The Return' Review

Non Spoiler Review- This episode of 'Arrow' maintains most of the action in it's flashback sequences and features some interesting drama and character development. Based on the promo next weeks episode looks as though it has potential to be an outstanding episode, I can't wait!

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

 1. Oliver tells Thea that she killed Sara- Thea may have had a positive reaction to learning Oliver was the arrow but the revelation that she killed Sara makes her despise Malcolm even more. She tells Merlin at the end of the episode she will never consider herself her daughter again. I hope Thea will understand that Malcolm does care about her and doesn't want to always use her as a pawn.
2. Laurel and Quentin discuss Sara's death- Based on last week's episode I thought Quentin understood why Laurel was keeping the death of his daughter from him but in this episode we learn that Quentin is frustrated towards Laurel and that he isn't pleased that she has taken up the Black Canary mantle. I was surprised by this but I am welcome to it because Thea had such a positive reaction and Quentin has a negative reaction.
3. Thea and Oliver vs. Slade- The driving force of the episode was the ongoing battle between Slade and the siblings. It was not only a physical fight but a mental one as well where both sides constantly outsmart the other. I was very happy to see Slade return since he is my favorite of Oliver's villains and I hope he will escape again and possibly team up with Captain Boomerang to take on Oliver.
 4. Flashbacks- This episode featured the best flashback story from any episode of 'Arrow' and filled a couple plot holes that were made in Season 1 regarding Oliver knowing information about what was happening in Starling City.
5. Oliver observes from afar- It was interesting to watch Oliver watch his family and friends but be unable to interact with them since Waller would kill them all. 


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