Tuesday, January 19, 2016

'The Flash' Season 1 Episode 11 'The Sound and The Fury' Review

Non Spoiler Review- Not my favorite episode but another great episode nonetheless, in my opinion there haven't really been any "weak" episodes of 'The Flash' so far, I liked the focus on Harrison Wells character and once again more is revealed about Wells plans but these answers bring more questions and speculation. Overall a great episode and if you haven't begun watching the show I highly recommend it because it is currently my favorite tv show.

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Tachyon device- The biggest tease was the revelation of why Wells stole the tachyon device. It is revealed that for some reason Wells is losing his speed and connection to the speed force. The tachyon device is supposed to be a temporary solution to the problem and wells says and endgame is coming soon. I'm curious to what this endgame is and I am very interested in learning more about Wells' character.
2. A game of chess- I liked that this villain was the first villain to organize a plot to fight the Flash instead of just fighting Barry or accidentally running into the Flash. I liked seeing a villain that was organized and an intellectual rival to Team Flash constantly outsmarting them only to be defeated by Harrison Well's quick thinking (no pun intended). It was interesting to see the chess metaphor and I liked that Hartley called Barry Harrison's Scarlet Knight. This is probably one of the better end fight sequences on the flash so far aside from the Reverse Flash and Rogues episodes but I anticipate that they will only get better. 
3. Hartley knows about Ronnie- Another tease towards the end of the episode is the revelation that Hartley knows something about Firestorm and how to find Ronnie and will only divulge the information if Cisco releases him. I'm curious what Hartle will tell them regarding ronnie and if he will return in a future episode.
4. Harrison wells comes forward- The first time Flash fights the Piper, Hartley says he knows Wells secret and wells tells the team that he was aware the particle accelerator could have exploded before it happened and then confesses to the general public when he holds a press conference. I think that this isn't the same secret Hartley was referring to as Wells has very many secrets nobody knows about including his true identity, etc.
5. Flash takes a selfie- The funniest line of the episode was when Team Flash decided to take a group picture and Barry takes the picture and runs quickly enough to be in it as well. Kaitlyn Snow then asks "Does that count as a selfie?". I thought that was very hilarious and liked the humor in that scene I hope for more clever humor in future episodes. 


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