Monday, January 18, 2016

'Arrow' Season 2 Episode 21 'City of Blood' Review

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Top 5 Moments 

5. Ravenger- It was pretty cool to see Isabel attack Diggle in vengeance considering he killed her before Slade brought her back. It was great to see her in costume in action. I'm looking forward to the upcoming episodes with her. 

4. Oliver confronts Blood- I enjoyed this because Oliver told Blood he was a pawn and Blood merely dismisses the comment unaware that Slade will betray him to get what he desires.

3. Felicity interrogates security guard- It was hilarious to see Felicity intimidate the guard by saying she would transfer all of his money as a donation to the city and actually doing it.

2. Laurel confronts Oliver- I was intrigued when Laurel told Oliver she knew he was the arrow, I knew she was eventually going to be a part of Team Arrow and glad it's finally happening.
1. Slade's Army- It was great to see different men in Slade's army attack places of interest, like the police station and train station, controlling the transportation hubs, etc. I wonder how this will develop in future episode.


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