Tuesday, January 19, 2016

'Gotham' Season 1 Episode 9 'Harvey Dent' Review

Non Spoiler Review- Another strong episode of Gotham that introduces another one of Batman's iconic villains, as well as strongly develop other characters.

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Penguin does some investigating- It was interesting to see Penguin figure out that Liza was a spy. I liked how he smelled her perfume then visited Fish Mooney to discover they use the same perfume and he connects the dots. I thought it was very interesting how he asked Liza to continue spying. It is likely to be a part of his big plan.
2. Fish Mooney continues to conspire against Falcone- It is revealed that Fish Mooney was the one who tried to steal Falcone's money and she continues plotting against him. I wonder when he's going to reveal that Cobblepot told him that Fish is plotting against him. 
3. Bruce and Selina- I thought it was interesting to see Bruce and Selina officially meet each other and it seems like Selina has a little crush on Bruce. I like how they're friendship is developing and how she seems to help Bruce enjoy things. I hope they interact with each other in future episodes.
4. Harvey Dent- It was pretty cool to see one of Batman's more iconic villains appear on the show. I liked how the show displayed him having two personalities like Two-Face and there were moments in the episode where half of his face shadowed alluding to him becoming Two-Face in the future. I enjoy how the show integrated and introduced him as a starting district attorney. I hope he will return in the show's future.
5. Bruce trains with Alfred- I really enjoy seeing Bruce start the path towards becoming the Batman and each week he gets closer to eventually wearing the cape and cowl. However I don't think that will happen on the show since it's several years before the Batman comes to Gotham.


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