Tuesday, January 19, 2016

'Once Upon A Time' Season 4 Episode 12 'Heroes and Villains' Mid-Season Finale Review

Non Spoiler Review- This episode is not quite the best episode of the show but definitely the best episode this season. This episode resolves the 'Frozen' arc, introduces the new villains, and sets up the foundation for the storyline of the next half of the season. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode 

1. Rumple looks for help- I liked the ending of the episode where we see that Rumple was so desperate that he had to go to Ursula, Maleficent, and Cruella for help. I hope it's explained why the three of them weren't in Storybook and how they got where they are, etc.
2. Rumpelstiltskin forced to leave Storybrooke- A very sad part of the episode was when Belle forced Rumple out of Storybook and he can't return due to the Snow Queen's curse on the town line. I'm sure he will find a way back though and I wonder what will happen when he returns.
3. Robin leaves Storybrooke- Another sad moment was when Robin had to leave to guide Marian because she couldn't leave Storybook alone and so he can't return for the one he truly loves, Regina. I hope he is able to come back because I really liked his character. 
4. Henry finds the Author's library- I liked this because it means there is hope for Regina to find a happy ending. I'm very interested in learning who the author is, I think that will likely be resolved in the season finale.
5. Anna and Elsa leave Storybrooke- Well the 'Frozen' arc is over and I'm kinda glad because I was getting tired of the 'Frozen backstory and didn't like that their presence pushed other characters to the sidelines like Snow White and Regina.
6. Rumpelstiltskin almost succeeds- It was nice to see that Hook was able to survive but I pity Rumple because he was defeated and cast out. I wonder what he will do when he returns.
7. Villains want a happy ending- This is probably one of the best flash back stories the show has had in a while because it adds more to the backstory of Bella and Rumpeltiltskin. It also introduces the new villains who I'm interested to see. 


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