Wednesday, January 20, 2016

'Once Upon A Time' Season 4 Episode 16 'Poor Unfortunate Souls' Review

Non Spoiler Review- A much needed episode that dives into the origins of a few characters, and provides intriguing plot twists, etc. I consider this episode along with last week's episode to be some of the best episodes this season. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. The Author's location- At the end of the episode it was revealed that the sorcerer trapped the author inside the book. This revealed that the sorcerer and the author are indeed separate entities and not the same person as I suspected earlier this season. I really enjoyed the twist and find it fitting that the author is trapped inside his own creation.
2. Ursula gets her happy ending- I liked that Ursula was able to obtain her happy ending by getting her singing voice back and rejoining her father with Hook's help. However it's a little strange that the Queens of Darkness are now missing one of the original members. I did like that a villain was able to obtain their happy ending without the author's assistance proving that it is indeed possible.
3. Hook tells Emma she's his happy ending- A heartfelt moment of this episode was when hook spoke to Emma about his concern his happy ending will be taken from him given that he was formerly a villain and she asks what the happy ending was. he then answers saying it is Emma. I enjoyed this scene and hope to see more scenes like this in the future.
4. Ursula Origin- This episode provides us with Ursula's origin and reasoning for becoming a villain. I was very happy to receive this since prior to this episode, she and Cruella seemed to be weak links in Rumplestiltskin's plan and not very evil. It made me understand why Ursula chose the path she did and I enjoyed seeing character development for her and Hook making both characters more complex. I also was glad that to see the origin since it has been referenced in the past few episodes. I hope to see more villain origin's soon (**cough, cough** Cruella **cough, cough**). It also made for a nice Ariel cameo in Storybrooke.
5. Gold plans to use Emma-  At the end of the episode Ursula tells Hook of Gold's plan since he helped her obtain her happy ending. It is revealed that Gold plans to make Emma evil. I honestly don't feel that this was a big surprise or anything given the promotional material for the midseason premiere and Snow White's worry that Emma has potential for darkness. Honestly I think this seems very ridiculous, I'm fine with the show runners wanting to make it plausible Emma could turn evil, etc. but I think they are really stretching it but it seems obvious that someone with powerful magic would be a powerful villain.


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