Monday, January 18, 2016

'Once Upon A Time' Season 4 Episode 4 'The Apprentice' Review

 Non Spoiler Review-  This episode is the best episode of the season so far and makes connection to 'Frozen that don't seem forced. This episode centers around Captain Hook, Rumpelstiltsken, and Anna so each of their character's is further developed. It also contains a Fantasia plot that seems to be the overarching plot of the season that contains more information regarding the Sorcerer's hat. I'm excited for the future of the season and what is yet to come after this episode!

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Mr. Gold tricks Hook- It was very entertaining to see these two blackmail each other and Rumpelstilsken finally coming out on top with altered video evidence against Hook. It seems as though Rumple was right when he told Hook he shouldn't have tried to threaten his relationship with Belle. I think Rumpled will continue to force Hook to do favors for him, etc.
2. Anna outsmarts Rumpelstiltsken- In the Enchanted Forest Anna meets Rumpelstiltsken and makes a deal with him. I thought it was clever of Rumpelstiltsken to trick her into thinking about killing him but deciding against it thus facing evil and turning away from it then using her tears to charm his blade so that he is able to open the Sorcerer's hat. I thought it was even more clever when by chance Anna grabs Rumple's dagger and discovers she can use it to control him. She then makes the smart choice to force him to hand over the Sorcerer's hat, transport her to Arendelle, and prevent him from harming her or Elsa. Not bad for a girl that comes off as clumsy. 
3. Hook and Emma go on a date- It's about time this has happened on the show. The date even included a Lady in the Tramp reference. I'm glad that this has finally happened so Hook and Emma are finally an official item.

4. Sorcerers hat explained- This episode really serves as explaining why Rumpelstilsken wanted the hat, what the hat even does, and where it came from. The hat is used to take away other peoples magic, and Rumpelstiltsken desires to use it to free himself of the dagger's control. I think it will be the main overarching story of the season with Rumpelstiltsken once again seeking power. 

5. Hook harms Will Scarlet- I was very surprised by this and we now know Hook did this of his own free will his hand didn't actually alter his behavior. I wonder why the Knave kept quiet about it when Emma asked. He could have easily told her and Hook wouldn't actually do anything because it would harm his relationship with Emma. I feel like this secret will eventually be told to Emma though and end Hook and Emma's relationship.


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