Wednesday, January 20, 2016

'Once Upon A Time' Season 5 Episode 1 'The Dark Swan' Review

Non Spoiler Review- A very interesting episode that felt very brief but filled with drama. I enjoyed seeing some characters spotlighted that had been somewhat pushed aside last season and new characters and ideas introduced to the show. This episode had a great cliffhanger ending that was very shocking and I'm interested to learn what happened in flashbacks. Overall, it was a a very solid premiere episode. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode 

1. The ending- The ending was very shocking and filled with surprises like that something happened in Camelot that made Emma fully dark, that Emma has the dagger, and this information should be revealed in flashbacks throughout the season similarly to Season 3 where we learned of how the Witch cursed Storybook, etc.
2. Merida- The actress who was cast to play Merida was cast perfectly. She not only looked the part but really seemed to do quite well with portraying the character. It was very exciting to see Merida onscreen and I hope to see more of her throughout the season. 
3. Zelena goes crazy- Zelena managed to manipulate Hook into allowing her to escape her prison and she creates a portal to go to Oz but Regina quickly incapacitates her with another bracelet that restricts her magical abilities and corrects the portal to send them to Camelot. It was great to see Zelena being wicked again and to watch her cut off her hand to remove the bracelet and reattach it with magic was so creepy and it worked perfectly. I hope to see her have an increased role throughout this season. 
4. Emma's inner conflict- A very interesting concept introduced was learning that the Dark One has something along the lines of a multiple personality disorder. Emma was having Rumpelstiltskin as a voice in her mind trying to convince her to go down the dark path while Emma was trying to fight it and try her hardest to remain good. I think this is an interesting dynamic and really a great use for Rumpelstiltskin in the show. 
5. Belle's Rose- It was a fun little nod to see Belle receive a rose which is very reminiscent of the rose from 'Beauty and The Beast'. 


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