Thursday, January 21, 2016

'Once Upon A Time' Season 5 Episode 3 'Siege Perilous' Review

Non Spoiler Review- A decent episode of 'Once Upon A Time' compared to the previous two episodes this season. The episode focuses on David in both the flashbacks and main story and actually made him a slightly more interesting character, which I think has been lacking from his character for awhile. I also liked the few reveals and twists in the episode that were very interesting. The story of the episode was fairly generic though so I hope next week's episode will have more drama. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode 

1. Emma awakens Gold- A big twist was seeing Emma awaken Gold from his sleep and telling him that he is currently neither good nor evil and that she will make him a hero so that he can lift Excalibur for her. I really liked this twist because Gold is my favorite character so to see him get more screen time is great! I can't wait to see the outcome of this subplot.
2. Arther is a villain- Another big twist that I actually liked was the reveal that King Arther is actually a villain and  has other plans.   This is revealed in a flashback when lancelot tells Snow about the twisted man and is further supported by his actions in the current story when he asks a man to poison himself ignorer to prevent Regina, David, and Snow from learning about his true intentions.   I really like this because it allows for another villain aside from Emma as the Dark One and I'm curious to learn of his plans for Storybrooke. 
3. David joins the Knights of the Round Table- A interesting plot point was to see David added to the Knights of the Round Table and i'm curious to learn if he did so to manipulate David and have a stronger pull over him to possibly gain the Dark One's dagger.
4. Emma and Hook- When Emma asked Hook to meet her I feared she was planning to manipulate him to lift Excalibur but we learned by the end of the episode that was not her intention but she needed Hook's sword to awaken Gold. I hope their relationship will find a way to continue because I enjoy the characters together.
5. Regina threatens Zelena- A scene I particularly enjoyed was one between Regina and Zelena whee she tells her the child will survive but she can't promise the same for Zelena. I was glad to see Zelena get a little bit more screen time this week and hopefully this trend will continue because i like the character and every scene she's in.


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