Thursday, January 21, 2016

'Once Upon A Time' Season 5 Episode 7 'Nimue' Review

Non Spoiler Review- This week's episode is once again another episode primarily set in flashbacks to provide necessary exposition and I really enjoyed learning the origin story behind how Merlin got his magic, the creation of Excalibur and the Dark One dagger, etc. I especially liked the introduction of the Nimue character and hope that she returns in a future episode. I also liked the many reveals and twists of the episode, really enjoyed this episode and can't wait for next week's two hour episode. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Emma unites Excalibur- At the very end of the episode, the episode returns to the present day and we see Emma unite Excalibur after a little hesitation considering Arthur's words. I liked that she hesitated because it showed she's not completely dark and I think it's possible she may resist the Dark One's currently influencing her. I'm curious to see how long she waits to use it and if she chooses to instead use it purge the darkness from inside of her. 

2. Emma confronts the first Dark One- A very great character moment in the episode was when Emma resisted Nimue's influence over her and didn't turn to darkness but rather took the spark from Nimue. I was happy to see that this wasn't how Emma went dark and am very curious to learn exactly how that occurs and what else will happen in Camelot. 
3. Nimue becomes the first Dark One- I wasn't too surprised by this due to how this information was slowly revealed as it seemed logical to me that Nimue would be on elf the Dark One's although I didn't guess that she would be the first of them. I really liked her origin, motivation for becoming Dark, as well as the creation of Excalibur and the Dark One dagger. I thought it was interesting that she was the one to shatter the blade and I liked that Merlin placed Excalibur in the stone and create the dagger to help control the Dark One. I'm interested to see how she will be involved for the remainder of this arc as she will obviously be of great importance since Merlin said she will be needed to stop Emma although this is confusing since she went dark so it seems she would only make things worse. 

4. Zelena betrays all the heroes- I wasn't surprised that Zelena betrayed the group but I was surprised that she decided to help Arthur and bound Excalibur to Merlin to allow Arthur control over the magician similar to the Dark one's dagger. I liked this as it was an interesting twist that makes me wonder how the Camelot flashbacks will be resolved. I think it may be what forces Emma to go Dark as she may have to kill Merlin to save the heroes since he can be manipulated by Arthur. 
5. The Holy Grail- I was very surprised to see the Holy Grail introduced to the show's lore and I liked it's inclusion as well as the reveal that it provided Merlin with his magic as well as immortality.


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