Thursday, January 21, 2016

'Supergirl' Season 1 Episode 7 'Human for a Day' Review

Non Spoiler Review- A huge improvement for 'Supergirl' with the series' best episode yet with a huge reveal, some very interesting and compelling character development for Kara, and some very brief awesome action sequences. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Henshaw's true identity- This episode reveals that Henshaw really is J'onn J'onzz, aka Martian Manhunter. This really excited me and made me more hopeful for a crossover with the Flash/Arrow universe for a mega mini TV version of the Justice League. I say this because there have been many rumors lately suggesting this for both series. I really can't wait to see Martian Manhunter in action as I know it will eventually happen later in the season and it would be great to see him team up with Kara. I'm also curious to see when Kara will learn the truth and what her reaction will be to this.
2. Kara talks down a gunman- One of my favorite moments of the episodes was when Kara decides to try to be a hero without her powers increasing the risk for herself and ruling heavily on her negotiation tactics. She is able to convince a gunman to stand down just through talking to him and I really liked how Jimmy Olsen took a photo of the occasion although the picture's somewhat awkward looking.
3. Alex takes on Jemm- The cool action sequence of the episode was when Alex takes on an escaped alien prisoner, Jemm, with a very interesting fight scene and I liked how alex coordinated her defense with everything prepared for Jemma. I also liked when Henshaw arrived to save the day.
4. Solar Flare after effect- Another aspect I really liked was the introduction of Solar Flare power that causes Kara to temporarily lose her abilities, which previously had only been seen very recently for Superman in the comics. I thought it was interesting that it made her character vulnerable and really allowed for great character development for Kara. 
5. Astra confronts Kara- The end of the episode sees the return of Astra and I had wondered where she went as she hasn't been seen in a few episodes and I'm curious to see what her plans are for Kara and if she found a defense to Kryptonite since she obtained a sample.


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