*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******
Highlights of the episode
1. The Ending- At the end of the episode reveals what was inside Room 52, which is an easter egg to the New 52, including what appears to be Red Tornado's arm, and what appears to be Bizarro Supergirl. Bizarro Supergirl is essentially a clone of Supergirl. Usually Bizarro is a clone of Superman but in this case it's been transferred to Kara for the purposes of this series.
2. Kara fools Cat- One fun moment was when Kara manages to remove Cat's suspicions that Kara is Supergirl when she has J'onn impersonate as Supergirl using his shapeshifting abilities and so the two can meet in cat's office thus confusing her. I liked that for once in a superhero series a superhero is able to deceive someone who discovers their secret identity in a clever way. Usually, the hero just allows them to be in on the secret.
3. Astra tells her men to stand down- One moment I really liked was when Non had his soldiers se up an ambush for the DEO after the exchange of prisoners and Astra shows mercy asking them to stand down. I liked that this gave her character some good making her more of a conflicted villain.
4. Maxwell Lord captures Jimmy- I really was intrigued when Maxwell Lord essentially reveals himself as a villain to Jimmy when he captures him after he trespasses on Lord's property. I like that then entire team working with Kara are now knowledgeable that Lord is up to something although they don't quite know what that is yet. I also really liked how Lord decided to harm Jimmy himself rather than leaving it to his henchmen.
5. Henshaw and Alex tell Kara the truth- I liked that Kara quickly found out about Henshaw's secret rather than it being prolonged throughout the season and so I hope that means we could see a Martian Manhunter and Supergirl team-up this season.
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