*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******
Highlights of the episode
1. Flashpoint?- Since the beginning of the series, I've noticed many elements of the Flashpoint story arc from the comic books especially with Nora Allen's death , etc. Just like the story it reveals that an older Barry Allen was present the night his mother was there and I'm curious to see upcoming episodes of 'The Flash' will begin to play with time travel. I also noticed the other blood sample Cisco tested confirmed that Harrison Wells wasn't there the night Nora Allen died so there are two Reverse Flashes, Harrison wells and an unknown Reverse Flash.
2. Firestorm goes Nuclear- I thought the development of Firestorm was great in this episode and I really liked the splicers that Team Flash developed for Ronnie and I anticipate seeing a full costume in future episodes. At the end, Firestorm "explodes" in a nuclear blast and I wonder what the repercussions of this will be.
3. Linda Park- I really enjoy Linda Park's character and liked seeing Flash prepare for their date by changing clothes several times in seconds because he was so indecisive. I liked seeing Flash switch back and forth between the date and fighting crime, saving lives, etc. I hope to see Linda Park return in future episodes.
4. Flash vs. Firestorm- One of the only action sequences this episode was a quick fight between the Flash and Firestorm. I enjoyed this fight scene and thought it was hilarious that Firestorm just picked up Flash and flew in the air rendering Flash useless in the air.
5. Joe & Cisco investigate Nora Allen's murder- One really interesting plot point was that Joe asked Cisco to come help him investigate Nora Allen's death. It was interesting to see Cisco realize he doesn't actually know Dr. Wells.
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