*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******
Highlights of the episode
1. "Not God, Grodd"- The best teaser on the show so far shows Harrison wells unmasked as Reverse Flash and I think the suit look great, it also features Gorilla Grodd once again and showcases Grodd's psychic abilities when General Eiling hears his voice in his head. It looks like Wells is working with Grodd and i wonder how his will develop but based on the promo it looks like every one will learn Harrison Wells is Reverse Flash on the next episode. I can;t wait to see Barry's reaction to the news.
2. Firestorm in control- Up until this episode Firestorm hasn't been in full control and been sporadic. We see Stein and Raymond work together in this episode and they can now separate and merge at will. I can't wait to see them return to the show and I love the costume right now even though it's very simple.
3. Time Travel- Joe and Cisco tell Barry that a future version of himself was present when his mother died so Barry goes looking for answers as to whether time travel is possible. He also says he won't fail now that he knows that he fails. On the next episode Flash is supposed to accidentally time travel and I can;t wait to see how they do that visually, etc.
4. Weapon for Flash- Eiling seems to have developed multiple weapons for the Flash. One that drives needles into him preventing him from running and another that shoots weaponized phosphorous that eats his suit. It made me think about the possibility of Eiling developing a task force to fight the Flash called the Rogues, the name of the group of villains Flash commonly battles. I am aware the rogues are not a government group in the comics but it would make sense and likely be composed of Captain Cold, Heatwave, Snart's sister, and Piper.
5. Separated but United- When Firestorm is separated it was interesting to see that their minds are still in sync because they have the same brain wave pattern. This was used well in the episode for humor and a plot device. I wonder if we will see more of this when they separate.
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