Wednesday, January 20, 2016

'The Flash' Season 1 Episode 23 'Fast Enough' Review

Non Spoiler Review- The best episode of 'The Flash' by far. This episode contains emotional scenes, action, and some of the best performances yet from the entire cast! There are also many great teases for the second season. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the finale 

1. Barry's Decision- The touching moment of the episode that made me cry was when Barry went back in time to the night of his mother's death but his future self tells Barry not to save her. It was heartbreaking to watch Barry watch his mother die and then speak to her as she is dying  after he has spent the entire season trying to get fast enough to avenge his mother and that deep inside he really wanted to save her. I must say Grant Gustin does an amazing job as Barry Allen. He really shows off his acting range in this episode where he has many great emotional scenes with the supporting cast.
2. Barry's Speed Force Visions- Just a few brief teases and flashbacks that are shown to Barry as he is trying to go back to the night his mother is murdered. Pictured above were the future visions that could occur in later seasons that were big teases. The first tease is of Caitlin Snow becoming her comic book villain counterpart Killer Frost. It was a fun tease and I think it would be great to see Killer Frost next season. The second tease is the Flash museum in the distant future which is prominent in the comics for the future, etc. The third is a little more mysterious as it shows Barry talking to his father but Barry is in prison, this could maybe be another alternate universe or timeline but we don't know much. And the final tease is a scene from the 'Legends of Tomorrow' trailer that could likely show up on 'Legends of Tomorrow'. 
3. Eddie sacrifices himself- One of the crucial moments of the episode is when Barry come back and punches Eobard Thawne in the face destroying the timesphere. Reverse Flash begins to fight Flash and seems to have the upperhand when a gunshot is heard and everyone looks over to see that Eddie has shot himself. Eddie falls on the floor and Eobard reverts back to the actual Eobard Thawne and proceeds to simply vanish from existence since his ancestor is now dead preventing him from ever being born. This was a very sad moment but I'm glad Eddie got to be a hero even if he had to sacrifice himself in the process. 
4. Barry runs into worm hole/black hole- A very cool moment that will hopefully launch Season 2 was when Flash ran right into the worm hole that opened over Central City. I think this can be explored in a number of ways next season and I can;t wait to see what happens. Also Hawkgirl and Captain Cold can be seen observing the wormhole in this sequence right before Barry runs into the wormhole.
5. Cisco is Vibe- We get a big Vibe tease when Eobard Thawne reveals to Cisco that the reason he remembers the alternate timeline is that Cisco can see the vibrations of parallel dimensions, Cisco was affected by the particle accelerator too. This means Cisco is a metahuman and well along his way to becoming Vibe. I hope this is explored in the second season. 
6. Timesphere- We see Eobard Thawne request that the team builds him a time machine called the time sphere so that he can travel through the wormhole since he has trouble with his connection to the speed force. He even mentions Rip Hunter who will be a part of the 'Legends of tomorrow' spinoff saying Rip Hunter would be proud having built the first Timesphere. 
7.  Jay Garrick's Helmet- A great tease is when Jay Garrick's helmet flies out of the wormhole for unknown reasons and Wells says "Now's my cue to leave". It was a great easter egg/tease and maybe means that jay Garrick could pop up in a future season. 
8. Barry's emotional scenes- As I mentioned earlier Barry shares some very emotional scenes with various cast members throughout the episode but aside from the scene with his mother, two of these scenes stuck out to me the scene with both of his "fathers". There is a scene with Joe before Barry leaves where Joe tells him that he is of course sad that if Barry changes the timeline Barry will have never lived at Joe's house with him and Iris but at the same time will be glad that barry grew up with his parents. There is also the scene between him and his father where he asks for his father's opinion of what barry should do regarding Nora and his father says to leave it alone. Both scenes are quite sad and really showcase Grant Gustin, John Wesley Shipp, and Jessie Martin. 
9. Barry interrogates Thawne- Another great scene was when Barry interrogates Eobard Thawne regarding his mother's death. It was interesting to see Eobard be himself with Barry and quite honest and blunt that he hated him but now is actually quite proud of Barry after mentoring him. 
10. Ronnie and Caitlin get married- In this episode Ronnie and Caitlin finally decide to get married and Professor Stein officiates the ceremony. It's a brief scene but at least they are finally married.

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