Non Spoiler Review- A spectacular season premiere for 'The Flash'. This episode contains plenty of humor and heart as well as an abundance of references and intriguing reveals. Definitely one of the best episodes! The performances are all great with the supporting cast having a slightly larger role in helping Barry by allowing him to let them be a part of his hero's journey. There are several great moments in this episode so I narrowed it down to 10 highlights. Overall, another reason everyone should watch 'The Flash' and now all of Season One is on Netflix so it shouldn't be too difficult to catch up.
*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******
Highlights of the episode
1. Henry freed- The most satisfying moment of the episode was learning that Harrison Wells left a confession to killing Nora Allen to Barry upon the event of his death. This confession was able to be used to free Henry Allen. This was my personal favorite moment because Barry finally achieved his goal of freeing his father and the entire first season had built towards this moment. It's kind of sad that Henry Allen feels he can't stay but it was reassuring to hear him tell Barry that he will always be there for him.
2. Jay Garrick- The big cliffhanger has having Jay Garrick walk into Star Labs and tell Barry that he's there to help him because the world is in danger. It was kinda humorous since Star Labs said they had just upgraded their security so no one should be able to walk in unannounced and soon after Jay Garrick popped up. I'm very excited to see him work with the Flash this season.
3. Zoom- When Barry defeats Atom Smasher, Atom Smasher tells Barry that he was sent by Zoom to kill Barry and upon doing o would be returned home. So it appears that Zoom should be coming soon or will be sending more metahumans from alternate dimensions after Barry.
4. Ronnie's sacrifice- Towards the beginning of the episode we learn of what exactly happened following the cliffhanger of the season finale. We learned that in order to close the singularity, Firestorm had to split inside of it while Barry ran around it. Upon doing this Ronnie disappeared and Barry was able to save Stein. I suspect that Ronnie may not be dead as everyone believes but possibly stuck in another dimension, given that alternate dimensions seem to be large part of season 2.
5. White logo- Cisco upgraded Barry's suit and now Barry has the classic white logo which is awesome to see and looks great!
6. Team Flash reunited- At the beginning of the episode Team Flash was somewhat fractured and Barry wanted to work alone, but the threat of Atom Smasher helped Barry realize help isn't a bad thing and Team Flash is reunited and together they devised and executed a plan to defeat Atom Smasher.
7. Flash vs. Atom Smasher- The fight scenes between Flash and Atom Smasher were very entertaining and the visual effects were great for both. I particularly liked the effects for Atom Smasher's growth.
8. Stein names Atom Smasher- It was kinda humorous to see Stein, the most serious member of the team name a metahuman.
9. Barry's daydream- At the beginning of the episode, Barry has a daydream of how he would like things to be which includes a cameo from Heatwave and Captain Cold.
10. Flash signal- I found it to be very fun when Cisco says he got the idea from something he saw in a comic book referring to the Batsignal that is such an important part of the Batman mythos.
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