Non Spoiler Review- 'The Flash' kicked off it's 2016 midseason premiere quite effectively managing to explore many character relationships in very interesting subplots along with some great action and probably some of the greatest humor all season. We also got a more interesting new baddie for Barry to fight that wasn't involved in Zoom's schemes, so that was great. I can say this was a substandard episode of 'The Flash' but it certainly has me thrilled for the next few episodes!
*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******
Highlights of the episode
1. Reverse Flash is back?!?- The ending of the episode certainly left me wondering "What? How is this even possible ?" and unfortunately this was revealed by the mid season trailer that came out about a week ago but I'm still ever so curious to learn how Eobard Thawne could possibly be back, although it seems it's an earlier version of Eobard Thawne.
2. Patty leaving Central City- The episode's plot centered around Barry and Patty and whether Barry should tell Patty that he's the Flash or not. This was a great driving force for the episode and the episode did a great job of putting the audience in Barry's position clarifying reasons he should tell her and vice versa. So throughout the episode Patty seems to notice somethings off and Barry almost tells her twice but by the end she tells him that she's leaving Central City to Midway City University to be apart of the CSI program. I'm sad to see Patty potentially leaving the series as I really liked her character and her great chemistry with Barry. Hopefully, she'll at least make a few returns to the series later on but we'll have to wait and see what happens.
3. Potential way to stop Zoom?- The metahuman of the week this week is Turtle, a metahuman with the ability to slow everything down around him. I liked that the team realized maybe he could be the key to stopping Zoom, since Zoom is so fast. I liked how Wells at the end of the episode went into Turtle's cell and took a sample killing Turtle showing that he will do anything necessary to stop Zoom. I think this also reveals maybe he's confident in using this as a solution to stopping Zoom.
4. Joe and Wally- This was an aspect of the episode I liked and disliked. I wasn't a fan of how Wally West was being depicted in the episode as kind of a teenage jerk who blew off his father. But towards the end of the episode he became slightly more likable. I disliked that Wally didn't quite have much reason for being a jerk to his father and wasn't a fan of the fact that he really came to Central City to drag race. I did however like how this issue was resolved at the end when the two come to peace with one another and Wally dines with Joe.
5. Jay is sick- A pretty large reveal in this episode was that when Jay lost his speed he became sick. It is also revealed that the only way to heal him is for him to gain back his speed which will require Zoom's defeat. I also liked the further development of the relationship between Caitlin and Jay, which has been slowly building this season.
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