Non Spoiler Review- Another terrific episode of 'The Flash' with some shocking twists, interesting drama, and great action.
*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******
Highlights of the episode
1. Reverse Flash's origin- I loved how the entire episode set up Reverse Flash's origin for the events in Season One and explain how he knew about certain things and his motivations for what he does. I also liked learning more about the character and why he decided to do what he did.
2. Patty realizes Barry is the Flash- At the end of the episode, Patty calls Barry and tells him that she's in trouble. So Barry speeds over there as the Flash and I liked that she did this to verify that Barry was the Flash after he denied it when she asked him. I thought it was very clever of her character and I'm sad to see that Patty is indeed leaving but hopefully she'll come back in a later episode as I like her character and her chemistry with Barry.
3. Zoom's Identity?!?!?- So I think it's very possible that this episode hinted towards Zoom's identity. In the episode Jay Garrick shows Caitlin his Earth One doppleganger and tells her his name, Hunter Zolomon. Which leads into my theory, in the comics Hunter Zolomon is another version of the Reverse Flash who calls himself Professor Zoom. I think that Earth one Hunter Zolomon could actually be Zoom. This was revealed as Caitlin was looking for a cure for Jay and thought his Earth One doppleganger could be a potential solution but Garrick says it won't work since his cells are mutated.
4. Vibe Shades- I was very excited to see Cisco get the Vibe glasses which Vibe traditionally wears in the comics. I hope to see this further used throughout the series.
5. Barry's Dark Side- One small thing I really liked was Barry showing some darkness when he apprehended Reverse Flash. I liked that he didn't hold back and just beat the snot out of him since he has so much built up aggression towards Thawne. I liked seeing Barry react to reverse Flash returning and how he handled it emotionally.
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