Monday, February 1, 2016

'Agent Carter' Season 2 Episode 3 'Better Angels' Review

Non Spoiler Review- An episode that really brings the fun and levity back to 'Agent Carter'. I really liked the espionage aspect of this episode as that led to some great moments. I'm really enjoying this second season so far and can't wait to see where the show is headed. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Whitney Frost- This episode provided more in regards to Whitney Frost as a villain and we see the zero matter spread on her forehead. I'm curious to see if this will lead to her adopting her alter-ego, Madame Masque or if we will see Frost wearing a mask as a nod.
2. Howard Stark helps out- I liked that this episode brought Howard Stark back into the series as it allowed for some fun hilarious moments. I also liked how he discovered what happened to Jason Wilkes, helped Peggy in her investigation as well as helping to find a solution to Wilke's predicament.
3. Thompson discovers Peggy was right- I liked how the episode ended where Thompson was brought into learning about the Arena Club and he saw that everything Peggy learned in her infiltration was true.
4. Peggy confronts Whitney Frost- Peggy confronts Frost after potentially learning about her more villainous nature. I really liked how Frost reacted and used her acting abilities to manipulate her husband to hire  hitman to help take her out. I thought that made her a much more interesting antagonist for the season.
5. J.A.R.V.I.S.- I really liked the little reference to Edwin Jarvis becoming the basis for JARVIS in this episode through a quick reference when Jarvis says he doesn't want to become a disembodied voice.


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