Thursday, January 21, 2016

'The Flash' Season 2 Episode 2 'The Flash Of Two Worlds' Review

Non Spoiler Review- An outstanding episode of 'The Flash' that is much stronger than the season premiere with quite a bit of layered character development and interesting story telling. The episode also features many easter eggs and nods to some important parts of the Flash mythos. The episode also had some interesting reveals and great performances. There were many great moments of the episode so I decided to discus ten highlights rather than the usual five. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode 

1. Harrison Wells on Earth 2- The cliffhanger of the episode was the reveal that Harrison Wells is on Earth 2 and has opened up S.T.A.R. Labs in Earth 2. I'm unsure if this is the Earth 2 version of Harrison Wells who is truly a good person or if Eobarrd Thawne somehow made it to Earth 2. 
2. Recreation of classic cover- It was awesome to see the recreation of the classic comic cover from which the episodes name came from featuring both Flash's running toward someone for assistance. 

3. Barry's new power- Barry learned of a new ability where he can throw lightning which was awesome to see visually. I hope to see Barry use this ability in the future whenever it's necessary. 
4. Barry's mistrust of Jay Garrick- Probably the most compelling story point was Barry's mistrust of Garrick due to the fact he had been burned before by Thawne. I thought this made so much sense that Barry would be apprehensive to trust someone after how Thawne manipulated Barry so I really liked this story point and was glad it was placed in the episode. 
5. We see how Jay Garrick's helmet came through the singularity- During the season finale we saw Jay Garrick's helmet fly out of the singularity which was an awesome easter egg and we weren't sure if we would see Jay Garrick on 'The Flash' so soon and in a flashback we see how his helmet got sucked into the singularity which was a small plot hole that the show runners didn't necessarily have to explain so I was glad to see that they thought to fill the plot hole.
6. Stein explains multiverse- Another thing the show generally handles well that the episode did was explain the more "comic-booky" aspects. This time it was the concept of the multiverse where there are alternate worlds that are similar to one another but have slight differentiations. I was glad to see this explained rather than just brushed over for those who aren't familiar with the concept. 
7. Vibe- It was very interesting to see Cisco's transition towards Vibe further explored. I like that he wants to keep what's going on with him a secret but I liked that Stein noticed something was weird about Cisco's assumptions and confronted him about it. I can't wait to learn more about what is happening to Cisco and learn more about his powers this season. 
8. Patty Spivot- I liked the introduction of Patty Spivot as a potential love interest for Barry and I liked her backstory including a connection to the Mardon brothers whom we have seen in Season One. I liked her determination to join the Anti Meta Human Task Force, how persistent she was, I was glad to see Joe accept her as a member of the force. 
9. Sand Demon- The villain of this week was Sand Demon, who is very similar to Sand Man, and  I liked him as a villain because Barry had to learn a new ability in order to defeat him. 
10. Green Arrow's broadcast- Another example of the advantages of the interconnectivity of 'The Flash' and 'Arrow'. I laughed at Cisco's comment that he doesn't like it when superheroes add a color to their name. 


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