Thursday, January 21, 2016

'The Flash' Season 2 Episode 3 'Family Of Rogues' Review

Non Spoiler Review- Another great episode of 'The Flash' that brings back Captain Cold and his sister taking a brief break from the Zoom story arc as well as answering some questions regarding Iris' mother. The episode picked up at the beginning with a fun action scene that was very enjoyablele and we actually saw Iris finally actually report on something which results in her life being endangered. Overall, I was very impressed once again and can't wait for next week's episode as the show just gets better and better every week. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Harrison Wells from Earth 2 arrives?- At the very end of the episode a version of Harrison Wells comes from the breach between the other earths and it seems that he is the version from Earth 2 that we saw at the end of the last episode. I feel as though the show runners are misleading us to believe he is evil where he might be a good version of the character. I'm very curious to learn more about him in future episodes. 
2. Martin Stein needs a Firestorm partner- At the end of the episode we see Stein become engulfed in blue flames and based on the promo it seems that he must find a new partner for the Firestorm Matrix. I'm excited to see what the outcome of this next episode will be and how it affects the future of the show. 
3. Cold saves Barry- We see that Snart does have good inside him as he saves Barry by killing his father rather than freezing Barry. I think this will continue for his character and transition onto 'Legends Of Tomorrow' as we will see him forced to work with heroes. 
4. Cold forced to work with his father- In the episode Lewis Snart implants a bomb inside his daughter Lisa Snart and forces his son to help him on various heists or he will kill Lisa. I liked this as it placed Snart in a difficult position and made his character more compelling. I liked how it made his father just seem that much more cruel as we see he is willing to do anything to obtain what he wants. 
5. Joe reveals info about Iris' mother- The episode picks up revealing that Joe has lied to Iris telling her that her mother was dead when her mother actually left in order to protect Iris and I thought it was interesting to see this finally explained as it had never really been discussed prior to this episode.


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