Tuesday, January 19, 2016

'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.' Season 2 Episode 7 'The Writing on the Wall' Review

Non Spoiler Review- Overall, another great episode of 'Agents of S.H.IE.L.D.' that finally answers the mystery of what the carvings and writing that drove Coulson, Garrett, and others exposed to the GH serum insane. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

 1. Mystery solved- Well the carvings come together to make up a blueprint of a city, that is likely to be Attilan, which is a lost city related to the Kree and the Inhumans. So the Inhumans may be introduced on 'Agents of S.H.IE.L.D.' before their film in 2018. 
 2. Coulson has to remember- It was very interesting to see that Coulson wanted to know more about the carvings so he uses the machine used to torture him in Season 1 to recover some more of his lost memories about him being in charge of the Tahiti project. He was so concerned that he resorted to torturing himself for information.
 3. Ward leaves a gift- I was surprised that Ward called up Hydra only to leave Dr. Whitehall's right hand man for Coulson all tied up as a gift. I wonder if Ward is doing this to redeem himself or prove to Coulson that he isn't loyal to Hydra.
4. Ward is now cleanly shaven and has a mission- At the end of the episode Ward shaves his beard and it appears that he is setting out on a mission related to his brother. What he intends to do to his brother is unclear but it appears that he may want to kidnap or kill him. 
5. It takes a certain perspective- I liked that the final "carving" wasn't a carving but a train set that took a certain perspective to view the symbol and complete the puzzle. 


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