Wednesday, January 20, 2016

'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.' Season 2 Episode 12 'Who You Really Are' Review

Non Spoiler Review- Another fantastic episode of 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.' that contains more links to the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe, visuals, and action scenes. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Reaction to Skye's powers- In the episode, Skye reveals to everyone that she has powers now when she accidentally starts tremors as she gets nervous around the team. May comforts her and tries to help her through her problem. It's interesting to see the roots of Civil War where half of the team sees Skye as a freak while the other half want to help her. 
2. Kree- Vin-Tak is the name of the Kree that comes to earth searching for some Inhumans who just acquired their powers. It's interesting to see that the Kree, who originally created the Inhumans even see them as monstrosities, freaks, etc. I thought it was very cool to see a living Kree on the show given that they have only been seen in 'Guardians of the Galaxy' and the dead body that created the GH serum that revived Coulson.
3. Lady Sif- I was very happy to see Lady Sid return and thought it was a nice twist to have her have a temporary memory loss so nobody knows all of the answers. I enjoy Jamie Alexander in the role and am more than glad to see her appear in other parts of the MCU than the Thor movies.
4. Bobbi and Mack secret organization- More has been teased regarding Bobbi and Mack's secret group. In the episode they basically confirm that it will change everyone's opinion of them but they are indeed not Hydra. It appears they will reveal all in the next episode to Lance Hunter. I am very excited for this reveal and hope it is game changing.
5. Thor joke- There was one Thor joke that made me laugh quite a bit. Coulson is asking Sip what she remembers and mentions Thor and she smiles and doesn't know why and May says she knows why she is smiling. 



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