Wednesday, January 20, 2016

'Once Upon A Time' Season 4 Episode 14 'Unforgiven' Review

Non Spoiler Review- This episode contains many more twists and turns and proves to be much more exciting than the midseason premiere last week. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Belle and the Knave kiss- At the end of the episode, Gold is wandering the streets and peeks into his shop and notices Belle and the Knave kissing. For one, I don't understand how Rumpelstiltskin can just walk about and night and nobody seems to ever notice him. But this seems to have deeply affected him and will motivate him in his quest to earn happy endings for villains.
2. Snow killed Maleficent's baby- The revelation that Snow White somehow took away Maleficent's child explains why Snow White has such a big secret. I'm sure Maleficent will try to seek revenge by going after Neal or converting Emma to the dark side. I'm interested to klearn more of the villains plot and how they will get a happy ending.
3. Snow reveals a secret and asks a lot of Regina- Snow White reveals that Emma has a great potential for darkness and asks Regina to spy on the evil group in town. It seems obvious that the Savior, who has powerful magic, could potentially be a powerful villain so I don't understand why this is a big deal because I'm sure Emma won't join the group because she seems to be quite happy as is.
4. Maleficent resurrected- Maleficent was brought back to life by the villains somehow and I don't understand why no other characters have been able to be resurrected other than Rumpelstiltskin. Why couldn't Gold bring back Neal? I think it's great that Maleficent is alive again because she is my favorite Disney villain and I enjoy the character. I think part of the reason they brought Maleficent to the show is that 'Maleficent' was quite popular and did quite well at the box office. I'm excited to see maleficent in Storybrooke and to learn what is in store.
5. Regina asks for help- I really liked to see Regina apologize to Gepetto for screaming at him and Pinocchio. I also liked that she reached out for help and that Gepetto saw the change in her and gave her some of August's things. I like seeing the shift in Regina and enjoy her more as the hero.  


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