Thursday, January 21, 2016

'Arrow' Season 4 Episode 1 'Green Arrow' Review

Non Spoiler Review- This episode was in my opinion the best episode of 'Arrow' thus far and a great start to the season! I hope the tone set will stay in place for the rest of the season. I enjoyed that 'Arrow' had a slightly lighter tone so it wasn't quite so dark and abysmal as the previous three seasons. I can't wait to see where the show is headed this season and hope that the quality improves with each episode as we have seen from 'The Flash'.

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode 

1. Who's going to die?- The end of the episode did something very interesting where it flashed forward six months and showed Oliver grieving at a grave which did not show the gravestone of and Barry appeared apologizing for missing the funeral. I think this death could possibly be either Quentin Lance, Diggle, Felicity, or maybe Laurel but I'm sure we'll learn as the season continues. Another interesting thing to take away from this is that Oliver ask Barry if he missed it because of Zoom so Oliver knows about Barry's big villain this season. I do suspect that Damien Darhk likely killed whoever is in the grave. 

2. Oliver declares himself the "Green Arrow"- One awesome moment this episode was to see Oliver finally take up the name of the "Green Arrow" so he's finally become Green Arrow. It was very satisfying to see Oliver Queen finally take up the mantle.
3. New suit- Oliver also got an awesome looking new suit in this episode that also happened to be designed by Cisco, who seems to be great at coming up with new tech for both Flash and Green Arrow. I hope to see more crossover mentions like this as both shows progress.
4. Damien Darhk- Damien Dark seems to be one of the best villains to come to 'Arrow'. I like that he's very powerful, intimidating, and still is a compelling character. He is already much more interesting than a lot of the other villains so I hope he will continue to be developed well.
5. Diggle holds a grudge towards Oliver- I liked that the writers had Diggle hold a grudge against Oliver for what he did last season as it makes the show more interesting and seem less convenient as if they decided to make the two buddy buddy again as that would seem awkward at first. I hope this will be resolved though as it strains the team dynamic.
6. Lance is working with Darhk- I think this was a very interesting twist that caught me off guard. I wonder how far Lance will allow Darhk to go before he decides he doesn't quite agree with him.
7. Oliver tries to propose- I liked seeing into Oliver's new life that included a great joke "You've failed this omelette" and it was very interesting to see that Oliver was ready to propose to Felicity and try to sustain this new life but that was ruined because Thea and Laurel came to him for help. 
8. Diggle's new uniform- I don't particularly like Diggle's new look and don't really understand why the helmet is so necessary but I thought it was an interesting change. Maybe his look will be improved throughout the season.
9. Thea wants to be called "Red Arrow"- I thought it was funny that Thea decided she didn't like her codename and asked for it be changed to Red Arrow. We'll have to see if this will indeed change or if it's just what Thea wants. I also thought it was interesting to see the impact the Lazarus pit had on her psychologically as she went a little crazy at one point and almost killed some soldiers. 

10. Hal Jordan Easter egg- A very fun easter egg was the inclusion of Hal Jordan in the flashbacks. This could potentially mean that we might see Green Lantern coming to 'Arrow' this season or it's just a fun reference for the fans. 


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