Thursday, January 21, 2016

'Arrow' Season 4 Episode 3 'Restoration' Review

Non Spoiler Review- I really enjoyed this episode as it resolved many plot points, included some great action sequences, interesting compelling character arcs, and some great easter eggs. As a whole this was a very solid episode and I really look forward to next week's episode which will delve into resolving the outcome of this episode. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Oliver takes a "bullet" for Diggle- A huge progression for the troubled relationship between Oliver and Diggle happened in this episode. They not only talked it out a little bit and trusted each other but Oliver went to the extreme and took a "bullet" for Diggle. The "bullet" was actually one of Double Down's card tattoos but it was a symbolic bullet. This was huge progression for their relationship as they both have established trust in one another once again. I hope their relationship continues to get better and better and they become like brothers again but we will see soon.
2. Nyssa nullifies the Lazarus Pit- One big surprise was the end of the episode when Nyssa takes the extreme of nullifying the Lazarus Pit to where it is now useless. It was interesting because Nysa obviously is not very happy that Merlin is the current Ra's rather than herself and they have a troubled relationship. She does this because he allowed Sara to be resurrected, which made Sara insane with I will discuss below, and she wants to prevent Merlin from having access to the pit in the event of his death, etc. So it appears Merlin will definitely punish Nysa for her actions and probably do something along the lines of imprisoning her. 
3. Sara resurrected- Sara is finally resurrected. This has been teased ever since the first teaser for 'Legends Of Tomorrow' which features her as a part of the team so we knew she would come back sometime on 'Arrow' and in 'Arrow' trailers they have teased this repeatedly so it's not necessarily a surprise although the after effect on her mental psyche was a very interesting aspect of the episode. I liked that they just weren't able to instantly bring Sara back exactly as she was and brought her back with a more extreme version of the problem's Thea has been suffering. She is very violent and obviously not quite mentally stable right now but we will see what happens to her character soon I believe Constantine is being brought onto the show to help rest Sara's mental state which will happen before the midseason finale. I'm excited to see what is going to happen to Sara for the remainder of the season and how it preps her for her role in 'Legends Of Tomorrow'. 
4. Thea's problem- We learn in this episode that the Pit has indeed made Thea crazy. However we now know that it gave her a blood lust to get revenge on her killer and she will be driven to kill until her killer meets their death but Ra's is already dead so Thea can't ever be completely repaired. I liked that Malcolm helped quench her thirst for blood but surrendering two members of the League by allowing Thea to kill them. This showed he is willing to do whatever is necessary to fix his daughter. I also liked that the reason he resurrected Sara was to repair Thea's conscience, it makes his character that much greater by showing he wants to be a good father and help his daughter any way he can. I'm curious to see if Team Arrow finds a solution for this problem in both Thea and Sara.
5. Damien Darhk- As I've stated in my reviews for all the episodes this season, I'm loving Damien Darhk as a very ruthless villain that is being further developed quite well each episode while still being shrouded in mystery. I can't wait to see more of him throughout the season and learn more about his powers such as where they are derived from and what they are exactly.
6. Double Down- Double Down was the minor villain of the week on this episode. I liked the way he was brought into it and thought it was cool to see another metahuman on 'Arrow' and I liked the way his powers were realized onscreen. He was somewhat of a throwaway villain but I enjoyed him in the action scenes so hopefully we'll see him return somehow. I also really liked how they connected him to Central City and used him to name drop Cisco a few times as Cisco named him, etc.
7. T-Spheres- A great tease/easter egg was seeing Curtis who will eventually become Mr. Terrific showcase what will become his "T-Spheres" which are an important part of the character. I'm very excited to see him step into becoming Mr. Terrific this season.


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