Tuesday, January 19, 2016

'Gotham' Season 1 Episode 11 'Rogues Gallery' Review

Non Spoiler Review- A weak return following the midseason finale but hopefully the show will build itself back up in the upcoming weeks. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Butch gets some character development- I liked the development of the mob drama and I was interested by Butch in this episode seeing him kill an old friend revealing his true loyalties to Fish. Before this episode I didn't see much depth in the character but now that is present.

2. Penguin is jailed- Penguin was jailed after raising taxes on fisherman and it was interesting to see that Maroni was behind it. This means Maroni is keeping a eye on Penguin. I also was intrigued that Penguin is calling himself "The Penguin" now so he has accepted his nickname. 
3. Gordon calls Bullock for help- I liked how Gordon called the GCPD for help when he needed help investigating the Asylum. Gordon will continue to fight corruption even as a security guard at Arkham Asylum.
4. Ivy and Selina Kyle crash at Gordon's- I thought it was funny when Selina and Ivy just went to Gordon's house when they had nowhere to go. I thought it was hilarious that when Barbara called and Ivy answered and lied saying that Jim was busy and couldn't answer the phone. 
5. Arkham Asylum- I liked seeing the inside of the new Arkham and I wonder if they will have more easter eggs inside the Asylum. I'm curious what will happen inside the Asylum in the coming episodes. 


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