Non Spoiler Review- Another great episode for this season which just gets better each episode. This episode primarily focuses on Bruce and allowed for huge progressions of his character. I really enjoyed this episode which was filled to the brim with great moments and I can't wait for the midseason finale next week.
*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******
Highlights of the episode
1. Bruce Wayne goes to great lengths to learn the truth- Bruce made significant strives towards becoming the Dark Knight this episode when he and Selina fake kidnaping Silver and Bruce by hiring Knife to help in learning the name of the Wayne's murderer. I really liked seeing Bruce go to these lengths in manipulating people in order to extract information, which is a skill he will use when he becomes the Batman. Also this strengthens his relationship and trust in Selina so that was very refreshing as things were a little awkward between them the past few episodes.
2. Gordon vs. Galavan- At the end of the episode Galavan is released when the former mayor James gives his testimony and lies saying he was not kidnapped by Galavan. I'm convinced that Theo was further pulling the strings or James is still scared of Galavan because he knows what he is capable of. Gordon is infuriated by this and punches Galavan and is dragged out by some other police officers who are revealed to be working for Galavan. Gordon is knocked out by the cops and awakens to being tied up in front of Galavan who tells Jim everything and has Jim untied and allows him to attempt to fight him where he shows that he is indeed a trained killer where he quickly disposes of Gordon and leaves him to go kill Bruce Wayne. I liked this conflict between the two of them throughout the episode and I especially liked when Penguin married on the scene and asks Jim where Galavan is and Jim is unable to answer because he is clearly out of it and falls unconscious. The promo for next weeks episode shows that Jim, the GCPD, and Penguin will be teaming up to take down Galavan and I'm very excited to see that next week.
3. Alfred out to protect Bruce- Another little part of the episode I enjoyed was Alfred once again proving his dedication to Bruce as he begins to search for him since he is unaware of Bruce's operation. I liked that he suspected Tabatha Galavan immediately and searched the Galavan's apartment first and thought the fight between him and Tabatha was great and really high energy. I'm curious to see what will happen to Alfred since he ended up in the back of that garbage truck.
4. Gordon seeks info on the Order of St. Dumas- This highlight feeds into the conflict between Gordon and Galavan as Gordon is looking for more dirt on Galavan and investigates the Order of St. Dumas. I liked how Gordon was able to connect the dots in his investigation between the Ordr of St. Dumas and everything that has occurred since Galavan arrived and how their agendas corresponded. I'm very interested to learn more about the Order of St. Dumas but I presume the mid season finale will wrap up that arc for the season.
5. Penguin staying with Riddler- One small tidbit I found hilarious was when Penguin called Nygma at work asking where the mustard was in Nygma's fridge and I thought the moment helped for some very good comic relief that helped alleviate the tension of the episode.
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