Tuesday, January 19, 2016

'The Flash' Season 1 Episode 9 'The Man in the Yellow Suit' Mid-Season Finale Review

Non Spoiler Review- In my opinion this is the best episode of 'The Flash' so far! It provides heart to heart moments between characters, introduced Flash's arch nemesis and answers some questions that we have had since the show's premiere. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Is Harrison Wells Reverse Flash?- The end of the episode had Harrison Wells place the tachyon device on the yellow Reverse Flash suit he had hidden in his secret room. Wells then says "Merry Christmas" in a Reverse Flash voice. My theory is that there are two different Reverse Flashes since there are multiple Reverse Flashes in the comics. I think that Harrison Wells is either only helping the Reverse Flash or he is Professor Zoom and the other Reverse Flash seen in the episode is likely Eddie Thawne from the future. We will surely learn more throughout the season but Wells is definitely one of the Reverse Flashes. The evidence I have to support that there are multiple Reverse Flashes is when the Reverse Flash and Dr. Wells are in the same room at the same time. 
2. Flash Ring- Wells used a ring to open the hidden room and reveal the suit. It's an Easter egg to the ring that Flash and Reverse Flash keep their costumes inside. These rings are seen in various comics and allow them to change quicker. It was a nice little nod to Flash fans.

3. Barry tells Iris how he feels- This was a very touching moment that the show has been building towards and I'm glad Barry finally was able to tell Iris even though it was a very inconvenient time. I hope to have more heartfelt scenes between the two of them.
4. Red and Yellow Streaks- Cisco points out that when Flash and Reverse Flash were fighting he saw red and yellow lightning, which is what Barry saw as a child when his mother was murdered. Cisco then says he thinks two speedsters could have been present when Barry's mother died. This hints the show is definitely following the Flashpoint storyline from the comics.
5. Firestorm- It was cool to see Firestorm have a larger role than the previous episode where he was only seen briefly. t was cool when he saved Barry and then flew off I hope to see more Firestorm later in the season. 
6. A Game of Tag- The episode opens with Barry chasing Reverse Flash and then they go back a day. I loved this for the structure of the episode. I enjoyed seeing Flash and Reverse Flash. It was interesting to see a villain that Barry was unable to defeat unlike the other meta-humans on the show. I like that that is what's motivating Barry to run even faster.
7. Barry speaks with his Father- I love all of the scenes that Barry shares with his father. This one was unique because he told Barry he needed to forget about the man in the yellow suit because he doesn't want Barry to get hurt. I hope for more of these scenes in the second half of the season. 


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