Monday, January 18, 2016

'Once Upon A Time' Season 3 Episode 17 'The Jolly Roger' Review

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

This was a great episode that did a great job of spotlighting Hook the past few episodes have spotlighted specific characters and related the events that occurred in the Enchanted Forest the previous year to the present day. Hook is among my favorite characters on the show besides Rumple, Emma, Henry, and Regina. Anyways I was glad to see a Hook focused episode again since we have only had 2 episodes centered on Hook this season. It was great to see what he was up to after abandoning the Charmings. I liked that they also brought back Ariel in this episode and was surprised to discover that Ariel was actually Zelena in disguise who cursed Hook. It was tragic to learn that now if Hook ever kisses Emma she will lose her magic and Hook was faced with a choice to continue trying to 'hook' up with her(like my play on words lol) or push himself away to keep her safe. The tragic part of the episode was when everyone was eating at Granny's and Hook had to observe through his spyglass. I loved the fight between him and Blackbeard on the Jolly Roger and I thought it was intriguing that they brought Blackbeard into the show considering that he's not really a fairy tale or anything but glad to see new characters. It was sad to see Hook chose his ship over reuniting Ariel with Eric but atleast he was guilty regarding his decision. Overall a great episode of the season. The promo for the episode below is an episode that has already aired by the time this review was published.  


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