Tuesday, January 19, 2016

'Once Upon A Time' Season 4 Episode 11 'Shattered Sight' Review

Non Spoiler Review- One of the better episodes from the 'Frozen' arc which finally finds a curse cast upon Storybrooke. This episode displays some great performances from the cast and we get to see a little more from characters like Regina and Snow who haven't been showcased this season. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. The Snow Queen sacrifices herself- A very sad moment that changed my viewpoint of Ingrid was the final scene when she sacrifices herself to stop the curse. Throughout the season I hadn't really liked the Snow Queen but this moment made me grow to finally like the character and feel bad for all that had happened to her.
2. The message from Anna and Elsa's parents is revealed- I liked that their parents message helped to convince Ingrid that she needed to break the spell and we learned what the message finally said revealing they were sorry for trying to rid Elsa of her powers and that Ingrid should be freed, etc.
3. Elsa and Emma use Regina's rage- One little funny moment was when Emma and Elsa discover that the bracelets could only broken by hatred so they immediately set out to find Regina and the plan works. I thought it was funny that Regina was the first person that came to mind when thinking about someone with an intense hatred towards Emma.
4. Emma's memories- We now know that Emma didn't remember Ingrid because she took Emma's memories so she wouldn't freak out when she saw her. It explains a lot of what happened prior to this episode and why Emma couldn't remember interacting with her. 
5. Regina doesn't like her Storybrooke clothing- A very funny part of the episode is when Regina is confused as to why her vault is sealed and looks into her mirror curious what she was wearing. She then says the same thing when the curse is broken and she sees herself in her other clothing. 


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