Wednesday, January 20, 2016

'Once Upon A Time' Season 4 Episode 22 and 23 'Operation Mongoose Part 1' and 'Operation Mongoose Part 2' Season Finale Review

Non Spoiler Review- The Season finale of 'Once Upon a Time' was definitely the best episode of the fourth season that has many twists and a huge cliffhanger that will certainly change the show for the better. I'm very intrigued to see how this affects the series. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of Part 1

1. Swapped roles- It was very interesting to see different cast members basically play a different interpretation of their characters. I enjoyed each of these but my favorite was the evil Snow White. I really enjoyed exploring what the heroes and villains would be like in an alternate timeline and thought it was an interesting direction of the series. 
2. Henry confronts Issac- I liked that Henry actually had an opportunity to be a hero where usually he is off to the side watching the action but I loved his participation and importance in this episode. 
3. Alternative origins- Another interesting aspect was that alternative origins for characters setting them off in different directions and a fun "what-if" episode. I hope for more episodes like this in the show's future. 
4. Author creates new reality for Gold- It was very interesting to note that the Author created this alternate reality for Gold and made himself a best seller violating the rules of the author.
5. Author backstory- I liked seeing Issac's origin and why he became the author initially. I hope to see the character back next season.

Highlights of Part 2

1. Emma Swan is the new Dark One- The huge plot twist of the episode was when Emma decided to save Regina and become the Dark One. I am all for this because I can't wait to see Emma Swan evil because i feel that it will be quite interesting.
2. Henry is the new Author- Another fun twist was that Henry became the new author. This isn't too surprising given his connection to the book and the character's importance.
3. Gold is stripped of darkness- Another surprise was that the darkness in Gold was killing him so the apprentice removes the darkness so does this make Gold good by default. It was a cool point ot have the darkness take other people as hosts for the dark one and can;t wait to see what it does to Emma.
4. Regina sacrifices herself in the alternative timeline- Regina kills herself to save Henry in the alternate world/timeline and luckily she survived and will continue on. Her sacrifice allowed the reality to be destroyed.
5. Hook dies in alternative timeline- Hook also made a sacrifice in order to protect Regina, Henry, and Emma but survives since it was in the alternate timeline. I liked the very shy version  of Hook because it was so funny to see Hook uncomfortable with himself.

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