Thursday, January 21, 2016

'Once Upon A Time' Season 5 Episode 2 'The Price' Review

Non Spoiler Review- Another solid episode to this fifth season that maintains the mystery and intrigue while revealing some of the events that occurred in Camelot through flashbacks. The episode really focused on Regina along with a subplot for Hook that was nice to see. One thing I really like about this show is that it does a terrific job of switching the focus on specific characters from episode to episode so each character is given a compelling arc at one point or another.  For the most part I really enjoyed this episode and I'm looking forward to the upcoming episodes as they reveal more in the flashbacks, etc.

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode 

1. Emma's plan revealed- At the end of the episode,  Rumpelstiltskin appears to Emma and tells her that he is there to help her complete her plan and we learn that she plans to use Excalibur to wipe out the light. As of now, I like Emma as the Dark One because it's so different and I enjoy how they included Rumpelstitskin into her consciousness, etc. 
2. Hook wants to save Emma from the darkness- I really like how this arc is developing because it's interesting to see Hook, who was once a villain, have the desire to save Emma when he could easily become evil again. I also like how this led him to have a better relationship with Belle because she understands his problem. I can't wait to see this arc further explored.
3. Regina saves Robin- A man attempts to kill Regina when he learns she is the evil queen and instead Robin ends up being stabbed and so Regina turns to Emma to save Robin. She then asks Emma to use dark magic to save him which works but is said to come with a price. And we see that it starts expediting the process of Emma becoming dark. And at the end of the episode she saves him from the fury potentially revealing she could be the Savior now that Emma's dark. 
4. Henry's first crush- Henry seems to have a crush on a girl and I feel like this girl will later be important. This is because she seems to remember hearing the song that Henry shows her in Granny's Diner from before when he showed it to her in the Enchanted Forest. I think this means that maybe she could be able to have her memories restored somehow. 
5. Merlin trapped in a tree- This episode also reveals that Merlin is trapped as a tree but prophesied the events that have occurred.


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