Non Spoiler Review- This episode of 'Supergirl' is chronologically the fourth episode and was meant to be aired as the fourth but due to the tragic events in Paris and how this episode focuses on Supergirl stopping bombs across National City CBS decided to flip flop and air the fifth episode last week instead. Due to this I can say that this episode doesn't quite fit in narratively airing after last weeks due to the flip flop and I can say it felt awkward in regard to how it fits in this season. It felt like a step back not just in terms of story but quality as well as this episode was somewhat bland and didn't quite peak much significant interest from me till the last five minutes or so which I really enjoyed and will discuss below. I hope next weeks episode will rise back to the quality of last week's episode or hopefully be even better but I can say I'm excited because Red Tornado, a DC Comics hero similar to Vision, will be appearing in the episode.
*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******
Highlights of the episode
1, Maxwell Lord- Mu favorite part of the episode was the twist ending revealing that Maxwell Lord was responsible for the bombings and seems to be a puppet master pulling the strings of events. I think this moment also really made his character feel quite similar to Lex Luthor. I actually like this parallel to the Superman Lex Luthor dynamic, which surprises me because I do think 'Supergirl' should feel different to Superman but respect that it isn't distancing itself from the character. I was surprised by this moment and can't wait to see how this plays out during the season.
2. Kara saves the day- One other small thing I enjoyed this episode was seeing Supergirl stop the bombings and save the day a few times. I always like seeing superheroes go back to the basics and do something simple to save people and I think it works best on superhero television when it's scaled down and best on film on a grander scale when more is at stake.
2. Kara saves the day- One other small thing I enjoyed this episode was seeing Supergirl stop the bombings and save the day a few times. I always like seeing superheroes go back to the basics and do something simple to save people and I think it works best on superhero television when it's scaled down and best on film on a grander scale when more is at stake.
3. Henshaw- One little interesting thing was seeing that Henshaw has super strength when he stops a bomb so I think this provides further credence he could be Cyborg Superman. I'm curious to learn more about his character which I'm sure will be fleshed out throughout the season.
4. Did Kara see Henshaw's eyes glow?- One little moment I noticed was that when Supergirl awoke she got up and it seems as though she saw Henshaw's eyes glow so I wonder if she suspects something is different about him and if she will seek the truth.
5. Jimmy Olsen and Lucy Lane- A subplot of the episode focused on the romantic relationship between Jimmy and Lucy and I think this really made the episode drag but at the same time helped add to Kara's character. I liked how her awkward position in this really allowed for her character to be given more emotional depth and have her character developed. This subplot explains what was going on in last week's episode which actually takes place after this week's episode.
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