Thursday, January 21, 2016

'Supergirl' Season 1 Episode 6 'Red Faced' Review

Non Spoiler Review- The best episode of the series and a huge improvement over some of the more recent episodes which have seemed a little mediocre. This episode's visual effects were great for the most part but looked a little fake and cheesy at times, but this didn't hinder the episode. I liked the inclusion of the Red Tornado and thought this episode featured some of the best action yet. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Red Tornado- The best part of the episode was the inclusion of Red Tornado. I thought his costume and visual effects were great and quite accurate for the character as some people weren't quite pleased with his appearance. I was however disappointed to se both his creator and Red Tornado killed/destroyed at the end of the episode because I was really hoping Red tornado would have a chance to return later in the series as a hero. 
2. Kara loses her powers?- It seems that Kara's meltdown has temporarily made her lose her powers as she bleeds at the end of the episode when trying to pick up broken glass. I like it when a comic book series does this with the hero as it allows for the character to be further explored in an interesting character arc. 
3. Kara lets her rage out- I liked this episode's focus on Kara controlling her anger and Melissa Benoist did a terrific job in this moment with some great acting with her rage face as seen above. I really liked how the final battle had her release her anger to defeat Red Tornado. 
4. Kara vs Red Tornado- One of the best parts of the episode was the conflict between Kara and Red Tornado and all of their fights were awesome to behold. I was excited to see their fights on screen and hope he can return somehow later in the season. 
5. Alex learns the truth about her father- Alex learns that Henshaw and her father disappeared and somehow Henshaw reappeared with no scratches on him and so I think this adds further credence that he is Cyborg Superman. I like how he seems to be somewhat like the Harrison Wells of 'Supergirl' as he's a mentor who appears to be helping the hero but may have other motives. 


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