Thursday, January 21, 2016

'The Flash' Season 2 Episode 8 'Legends of Today' Review

Non Spoiler Review- A very fun crossover episode that manages to advance the plot of both series while setting up the foundation for 'Legends of Tomorrow'. I really enjoyed the episode and how it was able to play up the interaction of characters for some great humor and action sequences. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Oliver and Barry vs Vandal Savage- The main action was the end action when Barry and Oliver confront Vandal Savage, who has the Staff of Horus. It was a bit anticlimactic though since Vandal was distanced from the two but the scene was entertaining and it allowed for more quips between Barry and Oliver that were hilarious. 
2. Green Arrow and Flash vs. Hawkman- One of the big fights in this episode featured Hawkman taking on both Barry and Oliver and I thought it was a pretty entertaining action sequence. I liked seeing them work together with new gadgets and abilities since the last time they teamed up. 
3. Hawkgirl believes in herself- Towards the end of the episode Kendra finally has confidence Hawkman is telling the truth and jumps off of the buildings to have her wings emerge and she flies around for a bit. This was a big character moment for Kendra as it was a step towards her accepting the truth and becoming Hawkgirl. 
4. Oliver meets his son- Something that has been steadily developing since Season 2 of 'Arrow' was the revelation that Oliver Queen had a child with Samantha and he bumped into her in the last Flash/Arrow crossover. This was very intriguing and I'm positive that this will certainly be further explored soon as it's too interesting of a character arc for Oliver Queen tone forgotten.
5. Hawkman/Hawkgirl backstory explained- Hawkman and Hawkgirl's powers and origin were explained very effectively for the most part in this episode and I expect this to be furthered in the second half of the crossover. I'm excited to see both characters onscreen and can't wait to see them in 'Legends of Tomorrow'.
6. Vandal Savage- I liked Vandal Savage's introduction to the show and think he is a very formidable threat and seems to be a great adversary for the team. I  can't wait to see him as the big bad of 'Legends of Tomorrow'.
7. Jay uses the Velocity-6 Serum- In this episode Wells and Caitlin collaborate to create a serum that can help Barry run faster. A moment of the episode that would have felt larger if it weren't included in this crossover was when Jay Garrick was able to use the Velocity-6 Serum to temporarily regain his speed and save Wells. I'm curious to see if Wells will listen to Garrick's words and keep it away from Barry or if he will continue to try to enhance the serum and possibly bring back Jay's speed so he could help Barry stop Zoom.
8. Team Flash and Team Arrow working together- It was great to see all of these heroes working together in the field and it allowed for many great character interactions for both humor and to help raise the stakes of the action. I also found it interesting that a majority of the episode took place in Star City considering it's an episode of 'Arrow'.
9. Continuation of both series storylines-  I really liked how this crossover episode advanced the arcs of both series by including a subplot with Harrison Wells creating the Velocity 6 to help stop Zoom and also in Team Arrow's fight against Damien Darhk with a scene at the beginning of the episode. I like how the crossover isn't as self contained as last year's Flash/Arrow crossover was because it will impact both series as well as laying the foundation for 'Legends of Tomorrow'.
10. Interactions between Team Flash and Team Arrow- There was plenty of hilarious quippy dialogue between the group in this crossover episode. In particular there were humorous quips between Cisco and Thea involving a new nickname for her. I also liked the small quips that were exchanged between Oliver and Barry like Barry commenting on how Oliver's suit doesn't have sleeves and using if he will get cold. Also, I never realized Thea had never met Flash till this episode when she mentioned it and thought it was  great little moment. The interaction between different characters is what makes crossovers so entertaining and I love when that is a large part of the episode.


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