Non Spoiler Review- The best episode of 'The Flash' yet. This episode had some of the best performances from each of the actors, amazing visual effects, and great development for characters and overarching subplots.
*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******
Highlights of the episode
1. Time Travel- At the beginning of the episode the Flash runs through the city and notices what appears to be a reflection of himself, this freaks him out so he stops running and recovers than runs again. At the end of the episode he attempts to run fast enough to stop a tsunami by running back and forth and then sees his past self revealing that earlier he saw his future self. and emerges a day earlier at the same spot where he took a moment to recover about a day ago. This is a big step forward for the show and Flash himself. In the comics Flash traveling through time is an important part of his power set and shaped the new 52. I'm excited to see how this affects the show going forward.
2. Harrison Well's real identity- In the episode each of the characters becomes suspicious of Harrison Wells and Cisco investigates why the containment field failed in 'The Flash' Season 1 Episode 9. He learns the containment field never failed but Wells made a projection of himself dressed in Reverse flash attire, etc. and recorded himself. Wells appears and finishes the monologue and Cisco connects the dots and asks Wells why he killed Barry's mother. Wells reveals that his name is Eobard Thawne, a distant relative of the police detective Eddie Thawne, from the future. He came back to the past with the intention to kill Barry Allen not his mother. For some unknown reason he killed his mother instead and has been trapped in the present for 15 years. He says the reason he is helping Barry is that Barry is the key to him returning to the future. He then explains that there were two of them that night because Wells made a speed mirage, that makes it appear that he is two places at once. He then tells Cisco he considered him a son and kills him saying "to me you have been dead for centuries". This one scene revealed so much, it revealed that Wells is the Eobard Thawne Reverse Flash and not Hunter Zolomon or any of the other Reverse Flashes, it explained his motivation and why he is doing everything he has done. Given that Barry went back a day nobody will remember any of this and I'm curious if Team Flash will learn his secrets again and what Barry's reaction will be to the news.
3. Barry and Iris kiss- Throughout the episode Barry and Iris share a few moments that make both Eddie and Linda Park jealous and throughout the episode we see the conflict within Iris as to how she feels about Barry and at the end of the episode just before the tsunami hits they confess that they both couldn't stop thinking about one another since Barry confessed his true feelings and the two proceed to kiss. Barry then calls Caitlin and she is about to explain what just happened regarding Wells and she tells Barry how to stop the tsunami so Barry changes into his Flash suit and tells Iris he didn't want her to find out this way. I have eagerly anticipated Iris learning of Barry's identity and coming to the conclusion the two have feelings for one another. Unfortunately, all of these events technically never happened since Barry went back in time and Iris won't remember anything. I can;t wait to see what Barry will do to change the future/present in the following episode.4. Weather Wizard- In the comics both Mardon brothers were technically Weather Wizards but Mark Mardon is the evil Weather Wizard. I liked how Mark Mardon;s character was handled and how he appeared seeking vengeance for his brother. I especially liked that he was much more in control of his powers and the visual effects done for his powers. I hope to see the character return in a future episode, possible a Rogues episode.
5. Weather wizard's wand- Another nod to the comics is the Wand Cisco makes to counteract Mardon's abilities. In the comics the wand amplifies his powers and helps to control them but on the show they are used to inhibit his abilities. I would like to see Mardon obtain the wand and use it to amplify his powers.
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