Wednesday, January 20, 2016

'The Flash' Season 1 Episode 19 'Who Is Harrison Wells?' Review

Non Spoiler Review- Another thrilling episode of 'The Flash' that explores more of the mystery behind Harrison Wells as Team Flash uncover more evidence Wells isn't who he claims to be and once again takes advantage of the Flash/Arrow Verse to visit Starling City. A very fun and exciting episode that sets the stage for the upcoming confrontation with the Reverse Flash. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode    

1, Team Flash find Thawne's hidden room- At the end of the episode Cisco, Caitlyn, and Barry discover Eobard Thawne's room that stores Gideon and the Reverse Flash suit. They even come across the future newspaper article that Wells seems obsessed with. I think this means they will finally confront Wells about the truth and fight the Reverse Flash. I anticipate watching this fight and to possibly learn Thawne's endgame.
2. Well's dead body- Joe comes across Harrison Well's actual buried body when investigating the crash that changed Wells many years ago. The team may not know that Wells is really Thawne but now they are aware that Wells is not actually Wells. I wonder if they will tell Thawne they found this in their confrontation but I think Thawne may try to hide it to take away evidence. 
3. "Canary Cry"- When Joe and Cisco are in Starling City Laurel asks Cisco to modify te sonic devices her sister used as the Canary and reveals to Cisco that she is the Black Canary, etc. It is hilarious to see Cisco freak out in amazement as he is apparently a fan of hers. He then delivers the completed device in exchange for a picture of him and Laurel in costume. The device seems like it will cause Laurel to actually emit the sonic waves herself and I can';t wait to see how it is used to help elevate her fighting style.
4. Cisco and Joe go to Starling- It's always nice to see the two shows crossover with one another and it was interesting to see Joe and Lance advise each other with their issues. I hopeto see more crossovers like this in both show's futures.
5. Everyman- It was interesting to see a new metahuman with an interesting power set. Hannibal Bates is a shapeshifter and it was interesting to see him frame other innocent people with his powers to steal things, etc.


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