Monday, January 18, 2016

'The Flash' Season 1 Episode 2 'The Fastest Man Alive' Review

Non Spoiler Review- This episode maintains the momentum from the pilot (no pun intended) and includes more action sequences and development for Barry's character. The visual effects are spectacular and I love how the show handles the Flash's speed with slow-motion sequences and sped up shots. This is definitely an improvement from the pilot and I hope the show continues to get better every week!

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. The mystery behind Harrison Wells- The end of the episode only made me want to know the real identity behind Harrison Wells even more. I believe that he is from the future because it seems he killed Simon Stag to make sure no one tries to exploit the Flash or that he wants to exploit the Flash himself. I can't wait to find out who he really is!
 2. Flash vs. Multiplex- This fight scene at the end was very epic because Barry runs through Multiplex's army and flings them aside. He then finds the original and defeats him thus defeating all of the clones. It kind of reminded me of the Avengers Age of Ultron Quicksilver poster from San Diego Comic Con. Regardless I can't wait to see more epic action sequences in the show's future.
 3. The Red Streak saves the day- It seems as though Iris West is now obsessed with the Flash and discovering more about him, etc. I think that obsession will only grow throughout the season. I also liked that Barry was using his powers to help people in danger. I love that he has his own team that helps him behind the scenes similarly to 'Arrow's Team Arrow that helps Oliver Queen.
4. Detective West's relationship with Barry- I enjoyed that his episode explored the relationship between Detective West and Barry through flashbacks and the interaction between him and Barry throughout the episode. The flashbacks explained why he feels that he is responsible for Barry and keeping him safe from. harm. I enjoy this and hope it will be further explored in the future of the show. 

5. The cosmic treadmill- This was a nice Easter egg that suggests that the show will eventually explore time travel, which the flash does commonly in the comics. 


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