Wednesday, January 20, 2016

'The Flash' Season 1 Episode 20 'The Trap' Review

Non Spoiler Review- I must say that 'The Flash' continues to one-up themselves every week delivering an episode better than the last almost every week and that this episode is what I would consider the best episode of 'The Flash'. There are many plot twists and the performances in this episode are great! 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode 

1. Iris realizes Barry is the Flash- Iris West towards the end of the episode finally makes the connection that Barry is the Flash. This is because in a flashback we see the events tat transpired while Barry was in a coma and Iris visits Barry and when she touches him sparks of electricity fly between them and at the end of the episode when she touches the Flash the electricity flies between them once again and Iris makes the connection that the two are indeed the same. I'm interested to see her reaction and the repercussions of this revelation.  
2. Wells outsmarts Team Flash- I was very surprised to see Thawne send Hannibal Bates disguised as Wells to trick Team Flash and enact his plan. I was slightly altered this would be possible when Wells bypasses Cisco's forcefield. Joe shoots Wells and the shapeshifting wears off revealing bates. Thawne speaks to the team from afar telling them he is impressed they have learned to truth,etc. and I can't wait to see the two confront each other. One thing that was interesting to learn is that Wells has spied on everyone close to Barry and knew of their plans.
3. Team Flash sets up a trap- It was interesting to watch Team Flash attempt to set a trap with their knowledge of the alternative future but ultimately fail because Thawne learns of their plans through surveillance. It was interesting to see them set a trap for the Reverse Flash.
4. Reverse Flash reveals lineage to Eddie- Another twist was seeing Reverse Flash interrupt Eddie Thawne's proposal to iris and kidnap Thawne to reveal that he is indeed Eobard Thawne. I feel that this definitely will change Eddie because he will learn of his fate and intended future through Eobard Thawne. I can't wait to see why Reverse Flash chose to do this, etc.
5. Cisco revisits his dream- I was very surprised to see Cisco create goggles that allow Cisco to visit his dreams of the alternate timeline where he indeed is killed at the hands of Eobard Thawne and relives the events of this timeline.I'm interested to see if that will lead to him becoming Vibe like the comics.
6. Team Flash discover Thawne's lair- The episode picks up immediately following last week's episode and Team Flash sees the future news article that contains several easter eggs. The article is written by Iris West-Allen revealing Barry will marry Iris in the future. It also states that the Flash disappears in the battle between Firestorm, Hawkgirl, Green Arrow, Flash, Atom and Reverse Flash. This means that Oliver will eventually become and be known as Green Arrow. It also confirms the television version of the Justice League will indeed happen.


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