Non Spoiler Review- Best episode of 'The Flash' so far. The interconnection between 'The Flash' and 'Arrow' is definitely paying off! I hope for another crossover!
*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******
Highlights of the episode
1. Flash vs. Arrow- While it may seem that Oliver didn't have a chance he had the advantage that Barry wasn't in control of himself as he was enraged so wasn't thinking clearly. Oliver put up a good fight and tricked the Flash and Joe and Dr. Wells cure the Flash's anger. While the episode is marketed as Flash vs. Arrow, realize they aren't fighting the entire episode but work together for a majority of it.2. Firestorm- Ever since the introduction of Ronnie I have been waiting for the reveal of Firestorm and I'm glad they finally revealed him in this huge crossover episode. I think the show depicted the character well and I can't wait to see him later on 'The Flash'. It's about time we got another friendly metahuman.
3. Oliver tricks Barry- I liked how Oliver put Barry in his place and made him understand he has more potential and can do more to ensure that people aren't harmed, etc. I liked how he tricked Barry and secretly hid two crossbows so he was able to fulfill the statement that he would hit Barry with an arrow.
4. Flash and Arrow easily capture Rainbow Raider- I liked that when Flash and Arrow finally worked together they were able to easily capture Rainbow Raider. I also liked that Kaitlyn named this metahuman instead of Cisco. I thought his reaction was hilarious when she had a better name.
5. Oliver encounters someone familiar- You may recognize this character because in 'Arrow' Season 2 there was an episode that revealed that Oliver had a child and that his mother asked her to leave and go to Central City. I was surprised to see her in the cafe and see oliver interact with her. Too bad he doesn't know about the child but we then see her talking to her son who is probably only at least 5 years old since it has been 5 years since Oliver was stranded on the island. I wonder if he will learn of the child in a future episode.
6. Oliver tells Barry that superheroes don't get the girl- i felt that this statement really meant a lot since Oliver was basically saying that love will lead to pain because your enemy can use that person against you.
7. Iris tells the Flash she doesn't want to see him again- I'm sure Iris will change her mind but she saw the destructive capability of the Flash and is now scared of him and unsure if her initial judgement of the Flash was correct.
8. Team Flash & Team Arrow work together- It was cool to see Diggle, Felicity and Oliver interact with the members of Flash's team. I especially liked when Cisco, and Diggle were betting on who would win between oliver and Barry.
9. Oliver is suspicious of Dr. Wells- I liked how Oliver had just met Dr. Wells and is already suspicious of him just like the viewers.
10. Eddie attacked by enraged Flash- I was very surprised to see Flash's anger take so much control over him that he attacked Eddie and Iris. it reveals that deep inside Barry despises Eddie despite trying to be his friend.
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