Tuesday, January 19, 2016

'Once Upon A Time' Season 4 Episode 10 'Fall' Review

Non Spoiler Review- An episode that answers one of the major questions from the 'Frozen' arc and explores Elsa's character. There are also many plot twists and reveals that add interesting drama and tension to the episode. A good episode but not quite the best episode. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. The Spell of Shattered Sight is cast- I liked that in this episode we actually see the villain cast the big curse. In the previous seasons, Emma and Storybrooke stopped cora, Pan's curse by cursing themselves, and defeated the Wicked Witch. it's interesting to see a curse actually cast again and see the villain temporarily win, I'm sure they will still triumph in the end.
 2. Fairies consumed by Sorcerer's hat- I did not expect Rumple to force Hook to take the magic from several fairies. I expected Rumpelstiltskin to make Hook do terrible things but I didn't see this coming.
 3. Anna is now in StoryBrooke- I'm glad the finding Anna subplot was finally resolved. We now know that Anna and Kristoff were frozen for 30 years that conveniently brings them to the same time everything is going in StoryBrooke. I'm glad they brought her to StoryBrooke in a logical manner and now everything makes sense involving why they couldn't find her.
4. Final Goodbyes- we see each character give what they think will be their last goodbye as the curse is cast. it was a very touching and heartfelt moment too bad the next episode will take most of these characters in the opposite direction due to the curse. 
5. Emma is left responsible- Snow leaves Emma to watch her brother. It reveals that Snow trusts Emma will fix everything and confident in her abilities. 


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